Oblivious 3/ CAREER DAY

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"... and let's all give a big round of applause to Detective Williams and Commander McGarrett from Five-0 for being our guests this afternoon." Grace's favorite teacher, Mrs. Bradley, addressed the group of eleven and twelve year olds as they broke into wild applause.

"Good job, you managed to get through the whole twenty minutes without discharging a weapon." Danny whispered as he slapped his partner on the shoulder, then bent to kiss Grace on the forehead.

"Danno, Uncle Steve, you guys were the best ones! Thanks so much."

"Anything for you, Gracie." Steve winked at his niece and turned when he felt Mrs. Bradley approach. The grandmotherly woman placed a hand on his arm. "Ma'am?"

"Commander, would you mind giving us a few more minutes? We have quite a few questions about the Navy SEALs." She gave Steve a dimpled smile. "It was so nice of you boys to make time for our career day." Another smile, this one directed at Danny. "We hear quite a bit about Grace's Uncle Steve. And Grace never stops talking about you, Detective, she certainly loves her daddy. She's such a good student it's a pleasure to have Grace in my class."

Danny positively beamed and his blue eyes lit with pride. "Thank you, she loves your class. She's always been really smart, you know. Actually, she spoke in complete sentences very early..."

As Danny chatted with Mrs. Bradley for another minute, Steve went to answer questions. Grace followed him and sat at the edge of the area with rows of chairs and podiums. Steve and Danny had been the final speakers that Friday, and Danny was anxious to get his daughter home. It had been a long week. They were meeting Catherine at Kamekona's and afterwards, he planned an early night of popcorn and a movie with Grace.

Danny said goodbye to Mrs. Bradley, greeted a few parents from Grace's class, and took a seat to wait for his daughter and Steve to join him.

When he looked up a second later, a bark of laughter escaped his lips. It clearly wasn't the children who had questions for his partner. Steve was standing with his back against a podium in an obvious attempt the keep a group of four women from surrounding him. When Steve shot him a horrified look, Danny decided he'd rescue his partner and had just stood up when he heard "Hey, Nice presentation."

Danny spotted Lana Enomoto and Tim Barnes, who both had children in Grace's class. He stood to greet them. "Thanks." He saw Lana's eyes wander toward Steve and back. 'here it comes' he thought.

"So, we finally met the famous Uncle Grace is always talking about."

"Yeah, Lana, that's Steve." Danny answered.

Tim smiled. "Ohhh, and you didn't warn the poor S.O.B. that he'd be fresh meat for those hyenas?" Tim nodded in Steve's direction. Tim had broken up with his partner a few months ago and Danny had leant an ear at the Daddy/Daughter picnic while the girls were putting out the desserts they'd made. "Harsh, Williams." He chuckled. "Oh well, take it easy. Lana, I'll see you for car pool, Tuesday." Tim wandered off.

"He's single?" Lana's eyes flicked toward Steve again." 'and boom' Danny thought. Lana had hit on him when he was still dating Gabby. She was pretty, and a good mom from what he could tell, but she'd worked her way through dating most of the single dads at the school and even a few of the faculty. She was really clingy from what he'd heard, and Danny had been happy he was attached when they'd co-chaperoned a dance.

"Nope. Sorry, Lana. He's got a girlfriend."

"A serious one?"

"Long-term serious. Live-together serious."

"Ahh, damn. I figured. I tried to talk to him earlier. Dropped a hint or two, but he seemed ... well ... oblivious." She sighed. "Well, can't blame a girl for trying, right? I gotta get Erin home. Take care, Danny."

"Yeah, you too." Danny gave a half wave as Grace came running up. "Danno! Uncle Steve said to tell you 's.o.s.' and I'm starving, anyway, so let's go eat!"

Deciding his partner had suffered enough, Danny yelled, "Hey, Steve, let's go, your girlfriend's holding our table!" Laughing at the look of relief on his best friend's face, he turned, dropped an arm around Grace's shoulder, and walked toward the car.

McRollins ( Steve/n McGarrett and Catherine Rollins ) Oblivious and Inevitable Where stories live. Discover now