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jake brought all of my luggage up as i helped too. he still was off thought. i could hear it in his voice.

"there that's all" he stated

"thank you so much jakey"

"yea yea" he muttered

"ok what's your problem right now cause i'm getting very sick of it right now ?!"

"you know what i prepared and prepared for you to come live with me and you knew that was the plan and now your bailing!" he yelled

"and?! i'm moving from a different state jake i need my own space i need to have my own time to learn and explore! i don't want to be relying on you for everything i have! i am an independent woman and you just don't get that!" i yelled back

" fine then have all the space you want cause right now i'm done! no more "no space" no more parties or anything! have a good life elana!" and with that he left.

he had never called my by my full name before which had to have meant he was very mad at me right now.

short ;)

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falling in and out // j. wittekWhere stories live. Discover now