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"what are you talking about jeff!"

"you heard me, i paid almost 10k for this trip and you tell me now that you can't go?!"

"i'm sorry jeff but i guess you can't accept me for who i am"

and with that i went to our room and packed a small luggage and called an uber. i was headed to a hotel until i could find another place to stay at.

i got a nicer hotel so i didn't feel that bad about my current situation.

i texted dave if i could come back to his place to
hang out and made a few excuses. as i got in my uber i thought i should go buy myself a car. i had my license and all just not a car. i had well over enough money to buy one too

"dave?" i gelled

"i'm in my room" he yelled back

when i got there i plopped down into the bed beside him and watched as he edited his video

"let's go car shopping" i finally blurred out

that struck some energy in david as he got up and grabbed his keys. before  i knew it we were already at the Tesla dealership. i didn't have enough money for a tesla but i guess we could always look. i always wanted a nice tesla like dave's but it was so expensive.

i looked around and it was still the model x that caught my eye. dave disappeared for a while while i was looking around.

"hmmm i wish i could buy this one" i said to myself

"don't worry cause you already got it"

as i turned around i saw david standing there with a pair of keys on his hand

"you didn't"

"i did"

i immediately jumped onto him and gave him the biggest possible hug. i cried a little bit.

"dave this means so much to me you have no idea"

"well i know how hard you work elle and i just wanted to thank you for being such a good friend"

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falling in and out // j. wittekWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt