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i know that me and jeff's friendship thing is no longer on healthy terms just because i didn't want to fuck but that doesn't mean that we will never see each other again. after all we are in the same friend group.

i notice the huge cement building to my right as we pulled up to what i assumed was the prison. oh god this was scarier than i thought i would be. how do you even get into this kind of prison.

jeff spoke out to the lady at the gate saying

"hi cody padrino...pick up...." his voice was stern but confident

after about ten minutes of me and david waiting in the car while jeff went in and waited for cody to collect his things. i finally noticed a jeff walking out in the distance with a man that was about almost a foot taller than jeff and a must stronger build. he had a beard and perfectly slicked back hair too. woah.

dave moved to the front seat and cody got into the back seat with me. dave said he had to sit in the middle seat so that the camera could see him and so they could do a mini q and a about prison and why he was there.

after about two hours of the guys talking i soon was in realization that cody was a VERY religious guy and was always talking about god and the future. but coming from him it didn't sound crazy it sounded like i had hope and that everything had a plan.

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falling in and out // j. wittekWhere stories live. Discover now