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we were just getting back in la when cody asked me what my name was.

"hey umm what's ur name i never caught it" his voice was dim and soft

"umm sorry uh ela-n-na" i stuttered i was blushing and he knew it. i did see jeff give me the dirtiest look in the rear view mirror but i didn't care at this point was jeff was thinking or doing cause he didn't even had the kindness to say hello to me this morning.

"so a pretty lady like you must have a boyfriend i'm sure...right?" he questioned

jeff slammed on his brakes making my head jerk back.

"ouch jeff what the fuck?!" i yelled

"sorry there was a snake...." he said with an attitude

"bull shit jeff cut the attitude already" i spoke again but with much more confidence than usual.

suddenly a hand appeared on my thigh with a gentle squeeze. cody and been comforting me. i think he could tell that i was uncomfortable right now. i places my hand on top of his hand and noticed the size differences.

i giggled and he took my hand into his. i had not ever really been in this situation before but even with jeff but somewhere deep down inside of me i knew that cody was a good guy that meant absolutely no harm.

now only if he knew i was 17......

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falling in and out // j. wittekWhere stories live. Discover now