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the rest of the car ride consisted of me and jeff just getting to know each other a bit more so that we could understand each others points of view. or at least that's what he said.  it went silent  for a few moments when he blurted out something.

"ok i have to tell you something but it could make or break this friendship!"

"go on"

" i'm a criminal...i went to jail for three years for drug dealing and drug taking...in so sorry.." he got kind of emotional at this point

"you now what...i wasn't planning on telling you this but i have too..."

"your kidding?"

"no under age drinking and useable of drugs costed me 8 months"

"oh god we're to similar too be true" he giggled

this guys already had my heart i joked to myself. when. a thought popped into my head...jeff is 29...i'm 17... i could almost be his child!

once we got to the store i decided that we should've got more than we actually needed. jeff came back with a cart and i decided that i would just sit in it while jeff pushed me around and i told him to grab random amounts of snacks blankets popcorn. we were only there for about half an hour before we realized that  everyone was already wondering where we were. and with that we went back to david's

short ;)

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falling in and out // j. wittekWhere stories live. Discover now