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"elle your legal now" cody smiled

jeff's pov

i saw elana and cody kiss and my heart instantly dropped. i still lives elle with all my heart. she was the first person i had dated since i got out of prison and she really helped pick me up on my feet.

i know cody is a good guy but i've seen him wth girls and he plays them like games and one after another. at least he used to.

elana's pov:

i was so drunk and partying my life away. it was about 3 am and we decided to leave. i caught a reid's with david since he was the only one who didn't drink.

i woke up the next morning with a huge headache and makeup smudged everywhere as i looked to my side i saw that jeff was by my side. what happened last night that i can't remember?

i got up and went to the best broom and grabbed a advil to help with the headache. i went downstairs into the kitchen and started to make myself some breakfast when a pair of arms snakes around my waist. it was jeff.

"hey pretty lady" he slurred

"what happened last night?" i questioned

"oh ya know nothing."

"ok jeff stop and tell me what happened or get the hell out of my house!"

"ok you kissed cody and i tried to convince you he was lying to you and you decided to come back home with me....we didn't do anything don't worry." jeff spoke out

"get out..."


"jeff i said get out" i spoke a bit louder

and he left leaving me there all alone.

elana: come over i need to ask you something

cody padrino: umm sure...

minutes later cody burst through the door.

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falling in and out // j. wittekWhere stories live. Discover now