I'll protect you... (part 1)

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Butch was in the bathroom, bandaging up a bruise on his arm. He looked in the mirror to find scratch marks and bruises all over his face.
He felt ashamed and continued to wash off the blood off the scratches and dried it off with his sink towel.

He went downstairs to see his step mother reading the newspaper. She heard her step son come down as she turned around, smirking and winking at him. She took another sip of her coffee and turned back to the newspaper.

"Hey you guys! Sorry I'm late, had to run a few errands and pick up these two." A familiar voice entered the house. He was wearing a black suit with a brown briefcase. Black hair, fading into blonde with green and red eyes. Also known as the father, Baron Jojo.
His two sons came running in, hugging their older brother. One with red eyes and auburn hair, one with electric blue eyes and blonde hair.

"Hey little bros. How was school?" Butch asked with no emotion, but still plasting a fake smile on.
"It was great! I got to spend my whole lunch hour with Bubbles!" The blonde one cheered, hearts in his eyes. Brick rolled his eyes as Butch chuckled. All three let go and sit on the couch, ready to watch TV.
"Why isn't someone lovestruck?~" Brick cooed as he poked Boomer's face. Boomer blushed and swatted his hand away. Brick laughed and turned on the TV to watch a random action movie.

"Hey honey." The male greeted his wife as he planted a kiss on her cheek. She faked a small smile and pretended to blush. Baron went to the kitchen to prepare dinner for the family.

"So, what did you and your mom do all day Butch?" Baron asked from the kitchen. Butch flinched and looked at his father. His back facing him, not seeing Butch's shocked face. His step mother, Bertha, looked at him. Giving him a warning with her eyes. Butch gulped and nervously laughed it off.
"Nothing big father. We just played some board games is all." Butch lied, his left eye twitching. Bertha nodded her head, smirking once more.
"That's wonderful." His father complimented.

Butch knew lying isn't going to help but he had to do it. To protect his father's relationship between him and Bertha. Ever since their real mom died at the age of nine, it's been seven years that the dad has been single. Until he met Bertha at one of his friend's wedding. They started hanging out together and were head over heels for each other.
Until Bertha met Baron's sons. Well, Butch to be exact. She knew it was wrong to fall for her boyfriend's son but she couldn't help it. The only reason why she came to visit her actual boyfriend, is because Butch was there. At first he liked her, as a real mother. He felt he could trust her like he did with his mom. Unfortunately, that didn't last long.
After Baron and Bertha got married, Bertha now felt that she was in control since she was closer to Butch. And right before Butch's eighteenth birthday...she raped him. Even though you may think it's impossible, it's actually possible.
After that experience, he felt used, unwanted, broken. He didn't want his brothers or father to know. That's why he's gotten quieter. After that, she only wanted more. She started doing it more often, not caring what bad effect it may cause on her current relationship. Butch tried to tell his father, but he didn't believe him.
And that is how the beating started. With a punishment.

"So Booms, you really like this girl?" Butch asked, trying not to gaze at Bertha.
"Yeah! She's sweet, kind hearted, creative! She may not be the brightest but she does know how to put a smile on you face." Boomer said, thinking about Bubbles' cute face.
"And what about her friends? Are they interesting?" Brick asked, seeming more amused.
"Yes actually. She's friends with the nerd at school, Blossom I think and Buttercup." Butch froze. It's been a while since he's heard that name. He lost her when he graduated, knowing he'll probably never see her again. He has had a secret crush on her for the longest time. Ever since high school started. They were the best of friends, inseparable. But it broke Butch's heart to see her getting hit on by every boy in the school. Sure of course she was beautiful. Baby green eyes, long smooth black hair up to her waist, hourglass body and her personality fits her perfectly. It's how he fell in love with her in the first place.

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