×Forbidden× {part 1}

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"Are these all the things I need to kill this creature?"

"Yes. These are the vervain injections. If you jam this in her arm, she'll lose conscious. This stake is made from white oak, which means if you stab her, her body will burn and remain as ashes."



A green eyed male smirked at the old man's offer. He grabbed all of the belongings and set it in his bag. He thanked the man and stepped out of his workshop.

He breathed in some fresh air. Exhaling out his breath. Noticing not many people are in the streets of the city.
He noticed his brother parked his car infront of him. He sighed and opened the bunk of the car. He put his bag inside and closed the bunk. He walked over to the passenger side of the car and climbed inside.

"You got all you need?" His blue eyed brother asked. The green male nodded. The blue understood and started the car. He reversed out of his parking space and drove off to their destination.

"Brick told me to give you this," the blue male said as he pulled out a necklace. The green male looked at it curiously and grabbed it to examine.

"He told me if you wear that pendant necklace, this vampire won't be able to compel you." He said. The green male looked closely. It was a circle shape with silver. A red crystal in the middle.

"Are you sure you will be able to take her down?" The blue asked in a concerned manner. His older brother looked at him with a soft smile.

"If I don't do it, who knows what would happen if she finds her way to this city. I'll come back for you Boomer. I promise."

Boomer smiled at his brother.

"Then I'll see you tomorrow Butch." Boomer said. Both smiled and had a different conversation. Until they have arrived at their household.

Both brothers climbed out and took out a few bags. They walked inside to see their older brother watching television.

"Glad to see you're back." The red eyed male said as he smiled at his green brother.

"Glad to see you're still the same." Butch said as he smirked. Brick playfully scoffed and turned his attention back to the television.

"There are blood bags in the freezer downstairs if you need them to reel her in."

"Thanks Booms." Butch thanked his brother as he jogged towards the downstairs door. He opened the basement door and turned on the light of the room. A desk with papers scattered all over it, a wheel chair that is out of place, a corkboard filled with red string and pictures.

He walked over to his desk. He picked up a file with the title Resume: Buttercup Mikelson.
He sighed as he opened the file. He read the information about the girl.

Name: Buttercup Keandra Mikelson
Age: unknown
Self defense: Extremely strong
Additional information: unknown

Butch groaned as he set the file down. He rubbed his face with his hand. Already frustrated. He looked at the clock on the wall. It was getting darker by the minute as it striked six.
Butch rushed back upstairs to gather his things.

"Alright. Here are the keys to the car. Now remember, always keep your gaurd on. She may not compel you but she does know manipulation. She will be somewhere in the forest so it will be easy to grab some wood as a weapon."

"Alright. Thanks Brick. I'll keep a look out. I'll let you know when I got her." Butch said as he grabbed the car keys out of Brick's hand. He walked to the front door and exited his home.

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