Chapter 6: how could I say no

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A/N: hey humans! Just a little heads up, there's gonna be some inserts from Lifeline in this chapter, there will be some slight alterations to the wording and although you may find it tedious, I ask that you DO read it.



"Meet me at the movie theatre tomorrow at five" he spoke sternly down the phone

"Whatever" I mumbled as I hung up

'She thinks that I left her...well that explains the way she acted at the party.'

I let out a deep breath as I fell back on my bed.

"At least tomorrow I'll get some fucking answers-or today? It's already 1:30" I mumbled to myself pulling out my phone and staring at a picture of me and (Y/N) asleep on my bed.

"Tsk. I really fucked up" I groaned recalling the burn on her arm


I looked at the screen to see 'Old Hag🤬'

"What d'ya want" I mumbled putting her on speaker as I closed my eyes

"Kirishima just told me..Is it true? Is she really-?"


"Is she okay?!"


"For someone who's dead girlfriend just came back to life, you don't sound too thrilled" she snapped

"She's not my girlfriend..." I sighed

"The hell d'ya mean she's not?! Has she got a boyfriend?!!"

"How the fuck am I supposed to know?!"

"Then what the fuck happened?"


"Katsuki...What happened? Did you guys get into a fight already?"

"None of your business you old hag" I spat

"Listen here you little shit! Whatever you did you have to fix it. I know how you feel about her and to be honest I don't think I've ever seen you happier than when you guys were together. Plus, (Y/N)'s miles better than that dirty Celeste girl you were with the last I saw you! Speaking of, When are you gonna come and visit your dear young mother?!"

"Would you just shut up?!" I groaned

"God, would you chill" she sighed "your dad said hi, also, call me once your heads out of your ass! Byeeeeee"


I put my phone on silent and turned to lay on my side as I tried to drift off to sleep but I couldn't. I spent four fucking hours staring at my shitty ceiling with the image of (Y/N)'s face running through my mind before I decided to go and take some sleeping pills. Strong ones. They took around half an hour to kick in, so I guess it was just gonna have to be one of those sleepless nights....

( * . • 〰️➿〰️ • . * )


"'s too fucking early for this shit" I mumbled as I hurled my alarm clock to the ground

I used my dominant arm to feel for where my phone was and pulled it towards my face. Pressing the on button, the brightness made me squint and drop the phone.

"Fucking dumbass phone.." I hissed as I turned the brightness down, putting it on night shift mode.

'8:30...only two hours..'

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