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the fastest man -and woman- alivepart four

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the fastest man -and woman- alive
part four

ANNA HUMMED TO herself as she walked up to the doors of Jitters, her hand slipping from her pocket long enough to open up the door so she could slip inside. A moment later, her hand was stuffed back into the pocket of her coat. She looked around slowly, her eyes landing on Barry as he walked toward Iris. A groan escaped Anna's lips and she blew a raspberry before walking up to the counter.

Emily darted up to the counter and rested her hand on the surface, pointing toward Barry with her forefinger on her other hand. "Why didn't you walk in here at the same time? And why did you look at him like you want to bite his head off?" She questioned, her voice hushed as she watched the brown-haired boy closely with her eyes narrowed.

Anna glanced over her shoulder, her eyes landing on Barry for just a moment before her gaze lifted up to the tv. She turned and leaned up against the counter, her arms folded on her chest as she watched Joe's blond partner talk about the incident at Stagg Industries on the news.

"Nice work, Eddie," Barry spoke up, causing Anna's eyes to move to him for a split second before they moved back to Eddie.

"Yeah. Right place. Right time," Eddie said, letting out a sigh as Iris ran her hand up and down his arm.

"No, you were a hero today," Barry said and smiled, though it looked nothing but forced to Anna.

"CCPD still has a killer on the loose. I should get back to the precinct," Eddie said and turned to his girlfriend, leaning in and pressing a kiss to her lips.

"I'm gonna ring up a hot chocolate for you. A large. On the house. You look like you need it," Emily whispered and patted Anna's back gently before walking away from the counter.

Anna swallowed a lump in her throat as she watched jealousy wash over her brown-haired friend's face as he stared at the girl he liked kiss another man. She watched Barry's eyes soften once Iris turned to him and she felt a shot of pain dig into her chest. She pressed her lips together and ran a hand over her face, wishing that Barry would look at her the way he looked at Iris West.

The brunette turned back to the counter and rested her elbows on the surface, leaning forward as a sigh escaped her lips. She squeezed her eyes together and let out a soft groan as she forced her eyelids open. "Em," she said softly, causing her black-haired friend to turn with a smile on her face. "How do I stop crushing so hard?"

Emily frowned and pressed the lid onto Anna's drink, walking back over to the cash register. She set the cup down on the counter and punched in the order on the cash register then grabbed some change from the front pouch of her apron, dropping the change into the correct slots. "Not going so well for you and Barry, huh?" She asked and folded her arms over her chest, her eyes moving to look at Barry and Iris. "He still really likes her, doesn't he?"

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