The particle accelerator wasn't supposed to malfunction that night.
But when it did, not only did it create The Flash and many other meta-humans...
It created Swift.
Anna Wells, the niece of Harrison Wells, was your normal everyday girl...
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grodd lives part one
STOPPING THE REVERSE-Flash and finding Eddie Thawne became Anna's top priorities and she couldn't focus on anything else. Getting enough sleep, eating enough food and staying up to date with her social life weren't even thoughts in her mind at any point in the last few days. Her glucose levels had gotten so low that she had passed out a few times and the bags under her eyes were growing quickly, darkening more and more after every hour she forced herself away from sleep.
Whenever Anna closed her eyes,she would see the man in yellow—her uncle—throwing her against a metal beam months ago and saying her name in such a deep voice that it made her stomach sick. Behind her eyelids, she saw his glowing red eyes staring at her but his lips would never move. He would taunt her with his eyes and his vibrating body, staring into her soul as if she was nothing but an obstacle he couldn't figure out how to overcome—that's what truly kept her awake every night.
Not being able to rid her mind of the terrifying image of his glowing red eyes and his deep, menacing voice was what kept Anna wide-eyed in bed every night with a racing heart, staring up at the ceiling and wishing that she could get just a few hours of sleep without having a horrible nightmare about her uncle.
With Eddie missing and the Reverse-Flash being his kidnapper, Anna and Barry were running through the city every day and every night to find the two men but always came up empty-handed. They knew that if they could find the smallest clue that pointed to where Eddie was, they'd find the Reverse-Flash along with him.
"Hey," Barry said, causing Anna to lift her head and look at the boy as he entered the Cortex. His eyes met Anna's and he smiled as he looked over at Cisco. "You planning on keeping all those cameras Wells used to spy on us? It's kind of creepy, don't you think?"
"First rule of mechanical engineering, dude. Never waste good tech," Cisco replied, causing Barry to chuckle.
Anna grabbed her coffee—yes, coffee—and brought the cup to her lips, taking a couple huge gulps to finish off the last bit of the beverage that kept her from passing out. "He probably watches all the footage of Shannon late at night when she's not with him," she laughed and tossed the empty cup into the trash can near her feet.
"All footage of Shannon has been wiped, thank you very much," Cisco said and turned his chair once a monitor to his right began beeping loudly. "Central City Gold Reserve's under attack," he said and looked back and forth between Barry and Anna.
"Gold? That's the case Singh wants us on," Barry said and bolted to change into his suit.
Anna got to her feet and ran her hand through her hair, getting ready to bolt to her suit but was pushed back on her chair by Barry's hands. "Hey. What the hell, man?" She said and looked up at the boy, a sharp pain shooting through her head from the strain on her tired eyes.