I Have No Secrets

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Everybody thought he didn't see anything, but in reality, he saw it all.

Cyclone was used to being the second option, third, or at times not even considered. It didn't really matter, because he wasn't much of a combat elemental, and he was classified/recognized as a support type. Nowadays with the heat of the battle growing, he and Thorn weren't pushed out into the fire much.

He remained positive, so instead of supporting them through fights, he supported them mentally. If they were happy, then he's done his job. If he did his job, then he was happy. It was a win-win for everyone. However, that meant his mood was dependant on his team's, that his happiness wasn't independent.

Even so, he loved his work. Every time someone had a bad day and would come home grouchy, Cyclone would be by their sides, telling them jokes or even pulling off pranks in front of their eyes (with the exception of Quake) to make them crack a smile. "An apple a day keeps the solar panel away!" He'd declared, shoving an apple into Blaze's shirt after he complained about Solar's constant nags. Blaze turned the apple into mush, which would soon bog the question of the origin of the apple sauce in the laundry when Ice was on duty.

He may look naive, but he knew everything.

Every single detail of his team.

* * *

Some may say Thorn was deadlier than Cyclone, and they weren't wrong. While the innocent plant manipulator is indeed proficient in specialized murder, Cyclone was dangerous in a tactical sector. His mind moved as fast as the winds, and was as flexible as a hurricane. He could adapt in any situation within the span of seconds, surpassing Quake and Solar.

Were their talents recognized? Of course not. They were smart enough to keep their skills hidden. They never knew when they needed it.

"You know, sometimes you'll have to stand up for yourself. One day, I won't be around anymore," Solar had joked to Thorn, moments after Retakka was defeated and they were recovered. He'd ruffled his hair under his green cap, grinning like the world didn't matter, but deep down he knew he was true. And so did Cyclone and Thorn.

They weren't going to be around forever, so they might as well enjoy the ride the best they can. Because whatever Solar said was true, and it's starting to happen even before Retakka arrived. Somehow Cyclone wondered why the others didn't notice the small, unnerving details of their behaviour, but then he slowly understood that they were all ignoring their own unsightly quirks, for the better or the worse.

He noticed that Quake would keep his eyes on the others for minutes too long, almost as if he was wired to keep an eye on them. He was overprotective, and he couldn't afford for his team to be wounded again, which Cyclone understood. Quake spoke with a grit of his teeth, like he was trying to not scream at them for being stupidly reckless. His hands were always clenched, no matter the situation.

"Oh, you noticed." Quake smiled, subconsciously tucking his hands behind his back as he faced Cyclone. He leaned against the wall, sandwiching his folded hands so they won't react harshly. "My hands are always stiff from the gloves because of all the battles, so they're not cooperating perfectly."

Cyclone nodded, even though he knew the real answer. Quake was always in fear of someone tearing his family apart, and he hid it from the rest of them. So he put on a bright smile and held his thumb up, showing pearly whites as he also wanted to reassure Quake from his own paranoia.

"Sure thing, chief!" He hopped onto his hoverboard and balanced his arms out, the board wobbling as it supported its weight. "Just don't set the kitchen on fire." He took off, leaving a gust of wind.

Everyone had secrets of their own, but Cyclone had none. Instead, he has everyone else's secrets, all but his own. He had nothing to protect that belonged to him, so he'll hide this one, little thing from the rest of them.

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