Chapter 1

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Canada's p.o.v

I wipe the damp cloth, softly on the plate I was holding, though I was supposed to be scrubbing the junk off it, I didn't really feel like putting in the effort. I sigh, carefully placing the plate into the sink. 'I should probably get started on my homework' I think to myself. I stay frozen for a couple more seconds to motivate myself to actually go do it. 

The house was very quiet, the only sound i could hear was the sound of my own footsteps. I stop going down the hallway for a second and peek into my dad's office. He seems to be signing paperwork, but from his expression on his face I could tell he wasn't enjoying it. I glance up at a picture of mom next to his door. Mom was on a business trip, she went on many of them since she was a photographer. She always loved exploring the world and seeing new things. I looked back at dad who brought his tea cup up to his lips and drank out of it, carefully trying not to burn his tongue. I continue walking through the hallway where I stop at my brothers door. There was a piece of note paper taped to the front of the door. I rip it off the door not caring if I ripped the paper or not.

Hey I'm out with my friends!


I read the note to myself and crumbled it into a paper ball with my hand. He's out again, he's almost never home! I brush it off  and walk into the room I share with my brother, America. I lean towards him to try to catch a glimpse of what he's doing. He seems to be doodling characters or what he calls his OC's. I remember two of his OC's names were Texas and California, I can't remember anymore but I know he has like 50 of them. He also likes to hang them around the room but I don't mind. I grab my notebook and a random pencil.

"Hey America did you do your homework?" I ask

"Yup!" He replies quickly and doesn't look at me

I don't really believe him, but I have my own homework to deal with. Walking towards the kitchen table I see New Zealand sleeping in her crib. Since I'm the oldest I have all the responsibilities and I'm always trying to be a great big brother.

I drop my huge algebra textbook on the table, which made a loud slam. I get started on my homework, by the time I finish it, all I want to do is fall asleep. I tuck all my stuff into my bookbag, and run into my dad's office to tell him I'm hungry. I peek through the doors and see him resting his head on his desk, asleep. I quietly walk over and grab his empty teacup; I look over to his bookcase in the room and scan it with my eyes. I knew that there was a cookbook somewhere in this room, because isn't the best chef in the world, or at all. 

I find it and run over and grab it, I rush into the kitchen and place the empty teacup in the sink. I flip through the book trying to find a good meal, Aussie was pretty picky so I had to find something he would eat, if he came home. I'm not the best cook but Ame says I make the fluffiest pancakes and I like to think I make great mac and cheese. I remember one time I was cooking with Ame and he put the mac and cheese in the oven to "fry" it, it didn't turn out well. 

I chuckle at the silly memory. I put on mom's apron, it was a little big but I am pretty tall for my age so it was ok. Then I flip to the correct page of the book. I grab a small knife and cut the potatoes into fries, I open the cabinet and grab can beef gravy and vegetable oil. I heat the oil in a deep heavy skillet an drew place the fries into the hot oil. While doing this I twirl around the kitchen grabbing materials and humming. I wait until the fries are a light brown color, then I put them on a plate and drain the oil. Glancing at the cookbook I sprinkle cheese all over the fries and ladle gravy over it. A small smile crept on my face looking at my creation.

"What'cha make?" America ask from behind me

"Poutine." I respond cleaning up the kitchen.

"Oh cool!" He says trying to grab a fry. 

I slap his hand away.

"Not until Aussie comes home!" I say sternly

America shakes in place for a second, he looked almost if he was vibrating.

"Oh I'm sorry!" I apologize quickly remembering.

He closes his eyes and breathes in and out.

"Nah, it's cool." He responds half-smiling.

I try to swallow the guilt built up in my chest. I try to think of something quickly to get out of this awkward situation.

"I'm going to go get Aussie." I say taking off mom's apron and hanging it back up.

"Okay cya'." He waves.

While going to the front door I hop up and down trying to put my shoes on. I walk through the neighborhood observing it, mom used to say I was a very good observer. The grass and leaves on the trees still had rain drops on them since it was raining earlier today and the sunlight feels warm to the cool air. I hear the sounds of kids laughing and I quickly spot Aussie.

"Hey Aussie it's time to come home." I say smiling while giving a look on my face that says 'I don't want to negotiate'

He must of got the message and said goodbye to his friends, and explained his day to me on the way back. 

I walk in the door and slip my shoes off. I notice America laying on the couch but he gets up when we walk in. I separate the Poutine and give them each a plate as I attend to New Zealand and then come over to eat


I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter, I'm sorry if there is any spelling errors. Please feel free to give feedback or just a comment. Thanks!

Word Count: 1081

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