Chapter 28

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Australia's p.o.v

I sat still, petting Bella. Greece seemed to be staring at the sky while some cats purred and rubbed against him. Bella bit my hand when I stopped petting her, making me look at her. Greece reached out to the sky mumbling something, he then turned his gaze to me. Greece then dug a hand through his pocket and handed me what seemed to be money. I wasn't going to say it to his face but it looked like money from the game Monopoly.

I stared at him confused and he chuckled, closing my hand with the money in it. 

"Don't be like sad prince, spend it wisely." He told me, putting his hands onto his stomach.

I stared at my now closed hand full of money. I would refuse it but he looked tired and before I could say anything he fell asleep.

"Thank you." I mumble getting up. Bella stopped playing with the other cats and got up to follow me, her bell ringing as she walked.

I couldn't tell how much the money was worth, but I didn't care. I walked up to a fresh produce shop and stuck my head over the counter. The lady smiled at me, she had a green flag, with a white section on the left of her flag. She had a white crescent moon and a star in the middle of the green part of the flag, and had a hijab on her head. The long sleeved dress she was wearing made me dizzy thinking of hot she much be feeling.

I point to an apple and hand her money. Bella jumped onto the counter and meowed. The lady nodded and pet Bella, turning away. After a minute the lady came back with an apple and a can of cat food. She opened the can and put it in front of Bella who started eating it.

"Uh thanks, I didn't pay for it though." I say a bit confused.

She laughed if what I said was funny to her, "Oh, I know. I thought your cat might want a snack. I always buy some because there are so many stray cats around here."

I nod thankfully and take a bite out of the apple, letting the juice dribble down my chin and on my hands and shirt. I take my arm and wipe it off.

I waved goodbye and she did in return, Bella ate more than half of the can before jumping off and following me. I start to count the money I had left, before I came to a Knick knack store. I stepped inside and was amazed by all the little crafts. A man came from a door behind the counter and welcomed me in. He had two horizontal red lines on his flag, one on the bottom and one on the top. He had a white line in the middle with a green tree in it.

I looked around the store until something caught my eye. Worry beads or Komboloi; a Greek bracelet that helps soothe, specially during hard times. If Greece is living on the streets he must be having a hard time, maybe I should get this for him. I grab it and go up to the counter. The man at the counter smiles as I hand it to him.

"Nice choice." He says as I then give him the money. "It's a gift right? What would you want the bag to say?" He asks.

"Uh say it's from Australia! A-u-s-t-r-a-l-i-a." I reply and he writes it on the bag.

"Okay have a nice day." He says as he hands me my change and the bag. I put the change in the bag and run to the spot where Greece was laying. I then placed the bag on his lap, which he was still sleeping. I smile as I walk away, Bella following me.

While walking down the town I daydream about how Greece would react. A smile crept on my face knowing I made someone's day a bit better. But walking a bit more I spotted someone. They were facing the opposite way so I could only see the back of their head but I didn't even think before running up to them.

"Ame! I've missed you! I knew you guys would come, I knew!" I hug him, in full happiness. Their flag had a blue box in the corner of their head and red stripes just like Ame, I didn't notice though that they were way taller, with two strangers and wearing something completely different. Embarrassed I let go and backed up. Bella flicked her tail, irritatedly. The three people turned around, the one I hugged had a huge grin while another person had their hands on their knees, going down to my height. They had a sweet smile while that last person gave me a stern look, holding what looked like a huge bamboo stick. I gulped.

The one who looked like Ame bursted our into laughter, while the one with the bamboo stick hit him with it.

"Who is Ame? Are they your friend or sibling? Are you lost?" The nicer one out of the three asked making me panic. 

"Look Phill, you scared the poor kid." Ame's doppelgänger laughed making the one named Phill give him a sour look. "The name's Malaysia, but just call me Malay!" Malay said slapping me on the back playfully.

"Leave him alone Malaysia." The reverse Poland one growled. 

"Aww Indo, why do you got to be so rude?" Malay pouted with a sly grin. I do rolled his eyes.

I turned back to Phill who gave me a soft smile. "My name is Philippines, but I prefer Phill. What's your name?" He asked.

"Australia! Or Aussie for short. Nice to meet ya' mate!" I say after mustering up all the courage I had. Bella brushed against my leg.

"Who's Ame?" Malay blurted out curiously.

"My brother, but his real name is America. I also have two other siblings, Canada and New Zealand." I inform them. 

"Are you lost?" Phill asks me again.

"Well kind of, actually yes." I admitted. Phill turned to Indo almost as he was asking Indo something with his eyes.

"No." Indo replied.

"Please!" Phill begged.

Indo groaned knowing Phill wouldn't stop asking until he said yes. 

"Fine." Indo sighed and Phill squealed.

"Alright!" Malay smiled. I was very confused.

Calming down, Phill turned to me, "We could help you look for your brothers, if you'd like!"

"Really! Thanks!" I said smiling. 

"You can stay at our house for the time being. Don't worry it's awesome." Malay informed me. "It's only awesome because I live there though." He added earning a mocking snicker from Indo.

"This dude's name is Indonesia, but we call him Indo." Malay told me leaning on Indo and poking  his chest, in an annoying jester. Indo growled and pushed him off. 

Phill shook his head, smiling, and looked at me. Bella meowed getting his attention.

"You have a cute cat, what's it's name?" He asked, crouching down to pet her as we walked.

"Her name is Bella." I say to him. She purrs and rubbed against his hand.

"That's a fitting name." He chuckled softly.

"Huh?" I replied confused.

"Bella usually means beautiful or adorable, worthy of adoration. Which I think is very fitting for her." Phill said and I nod, understanding. I wonder what he'd say if I told him the real reason I named her Bella was because of the bell on her collar.

"And we're here!" Malay announced, we stood in front of a smaller house, the size of a town house but still looked peaceful. Malay, Indo, and Phill walked in as I held the door for Bella to come in.

"Hey uh kid. Do you want some Milo, I was about to make some?" Malay asked, my eyes lit up.

"Would I!" I said excitedly and Phill laughed.

"Ah I see we have a smart man right here." Malay chuckled, getting a slight smile from Indo.

I laughed as Malay and Indo fought in the kitchen while Phill tried to break it up. We talked about so many things at the dinner table, all of us sipping our Milo. I helped Phill clean up the mess. The made me feel welcomed and happy. I helped make popcorn and laid on the couch with them as they turned on the movie, I've never seen one before but I couldn't keep my eyes off the screen. I snuggled up with Phill hiding my face when Indo put a horror movie on. Malay screamed when jump scares happened making us laugh. Then Phil, put on a drama making me slowly fall asleep in his lap.

I felt safe and happy.

But that wouldn't last long...


Well I hope you all enjoyed that chapter, we only have 4 left. Also thank you @Electraneer for the amazing fan art! Anyway have a great day or night!

Word Count: 1459

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