Chapter 5

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  Australia's p.o.v

I don't know what to do! I can't just leave all my friends, they mean a lot to me. But I couldn't just lose my sibling, we've always sticked together through thick and thin. I knew that this would be a huge descion for me. 

I walk into the forest and turn over a log. A female spotted python slivers out. I named her Sissy, she is pretty friendly. People always say it's weird for taming or becoming friends with wildlif, but I see no problem with it as you're not hurting the animal or it's hurting you. Sissy is kind of an emotional support animal to me. Dad never lets me keep the animals I find. Sissy raps around my arm, as I pet her softly. Also it's not like I'm the animal whisperer, though sometimes I wish I was, I'm just better with dealing with animals and are more grave when it comes to things like spiders, Ame's terrified of 'em. I chucked remembering Ame's girly high pitched scream when he went to sit down on the couch but a spider was on the cushion. I was more afraid of him squishing it; and Willow was more afraid of Ame's big dumb face then he was of it. I love my family even though sometimes I say I don't, and even though I hate it so much and it hurts to swallow but I think I will go with them and leave my friends behind.

I let Sissy slither off my hand and put her back under the log, thanking her for her support even though she couldn't hear nor understand it, and walked back home preparing what I was going to say tomorrow.

Canada's p.o.v

It's getting pretty late, Aussie's been out there for a while. I'm starting to get worried. The doorknob turns and the front door opens, and Aussie walks inside. 

"Oh welcome home!" I greet him.

He shoots me a smile and then goes upstairs. I smile, that must mean something good. When Aussie was still out dad woke up and I told him that Aunt Spain called, he didn't seem to care much.

"I'm going to the weekends meetings again, you know what to do." He says walking outside, and to his car.

There are these weekends meetings every Saturday and Sunday where counties go to talk to their country and see what problems are happening recently, if there were to be an emergency that country would be alerted instantly. Me, Aussie, Ame, and New Zealand, plus other children aren't old enough to go to these or even control their own country. Their owner which usually their caretaker takes care of their lands and people until their old enough to, but that also means that caretaker can control that land with their own rules and take anything and trade anything whenever they wanted to. Yet each country's meeting hall is in their own country, no matter where they live currently. I heard that the world meeting building was in China, since he is the oldest and first country, where countries meet once a year to discuss national problems. Anyway when dad goes to these I have to take care of the house and my siblings, but I already do that 24/7 so it doesn't really matter. 

The grandfather clock strikes 9:00 pm (or 21:00 for those who use military time), making an old-timey tune. I decided it's a good time to end the day so I tidy up, making sure everyone else is good for the the night and fall asleep.

I look around me, I'm in a dark room. It's completely silent, not even the sound of air or the slight buzzing sound of sound waves and/or air waves. I turn to my left and America is standing there. His eyes are dull and he doesn't look real.

"I hate you Canada!" He screamed angrily. "I only got hurt because I was helping YOU!" He walked away and I tried to call out for him, but nothing was coming out of my throat, just silent air.

Australia was on my right and I shakily turned to him. "You're so selfish, you didn't even consider if I wanted to leave or my feeling!" He growled in the same tone as America but instead of dull and dead looking eyes he has an angry expression plastered onto his face. When he walked away I tried to call out for him also, but again nothing happened. I close my eyes for a tear to drop off my chin, the splash once it hit ground didn't make a sound. I looked up and saw  New Zealand staring at me, she curiously looked at me. I tried to grab out for her but she slapped my hand away, giggling and skipping off into the darkness which swallowed her. Shocked and scared I cry, and cry, still no sound came out. I was all alone, everyone left me. I-I disappointed them. I wasn't a good big brother! They hate me! I messed up! And now I'm all alone...

I shoot up in cold sweat, breathing heavily. 'It was just a nightmare' I tell myself over and over again, but it doesn't seem to calm me down. I walk into the bathroom and splash cold water on my face, waking me up. Nightmares never helped me with not being able to fall asleep until 2 or 3 hours after laying in my bed, doing nothing except staring at the top bunk Ame slept on. Sometimes Ame's snoring kept me up or the sound of the tree searching the window during a storm, but Ame could always sleep through a storm so I never had anyone to comfort me during it. It was almost morning anyway so I could stay up. I kept trying to forget the nightmare but my mind kept wondering to it, it felt all to real and I didn't like it. I make myself breakfast and sit there waiting for them to wake up. After a couple hours Aussie walked downstairs. I'm relieved to see his face since it was pretty boring and lonely.

"Where's Ame?" I ask him. 

"Still sleeping, wouldn't wake up." He said glancing upstairs.

"I've made my decision."


Hi! If your wondering why they all have their independent flags but they still don't own their own country in the story, it's because I based it on age not flag and I didn't feel like drawin British Canada and New England, etc. It's also easier to recognize them with their current day flag. But I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! Bye and have a good day or night!

Word Count: 1120 

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