Chapter 7

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Canada's p.o.v

Once I take that first step outside, I start to feel a bit more confident. 'There's no going back' I tell myself and I start to walk, hearing the footsteps of my brothers behind me. It was still very early in the morning, morning dew was still on the grass. I knew when dad finds out he's probably going to call the police and we'll have to stay low. 

We stop by one of Aussie's friends house, Fiji; I think it was, he run up and shoved a letter into the mail box and then ran back where we continued silently. I knew when this started to feel normal that they would talk and it wouldn't be so awkward, but I also knew that wouldn't happen overnight. I just...want things to work out.

"Marshall Island's house is up there!" Aussie said pointing up ahead, and not breaking the silence for a reason I wanted him to.

We go through all of Aussie's friend's houses. We finally ended up in front of Japan's house. Ame gave a small smile, lightning up the atmosphere, before carefully putting the letter in the mail slot on the front door. He looked back at the house one last time before jogging to us to keep up. New Zealand finally began to start to feel heavy, I kept shifting her weight as she countinued to slide down my arms. Aussie and Ame made comments to each other sometimes, but for the most part it was pretty quiet. The day felt like it was taking forever.

We finally got to the 'Exit the Town' sign, it made me feel accomplished, we've made it so far. 'I turn around to look back at them and they seem pretty tired. We can make it a bit more longer' I think pumping myself up. New Zealand finally wakes up, struggling to get out of my clutch. I feel the relief as I put her down. She looks at me confused and I gave her a bright smile. Aussie starts talking to her in a so called 'baby voice' and making silly faces and acting surprised over everything like grass, even though we all knew he wasn't. At least it kept New Zealand entertained. Her and Aussie are pretty close; I hold her hand, guiding her the way we are going. Sometime I switched and Ame and Aussie held her hands, swinging her back and forth as she giggled.

A couple of hours past, what was probably 2 felt like 20. My legs felt sore but I kept telling myself to keep walking.

"Can we please stop to rest, my feet are killing me!" Ame complains again. This time I finally decided to give in and I look around for a safe place to rest. I spot a small tree but large enough to shelter under.

"Fine, we can stop to rest over by that tree." I say pointing to the tree. Ame face melts into relief and excitement. I can't see Aussie's expression because he's playing with New Zealand but I can imagine he's realieved. We all walk over to the tree, except Ame who uses the last of his energy to bolt to the tree. We all collapse around the tree, resting and never wanting to get up. I sigh, getting comfortable on the grass. I hear the slight sound of running water, at first I thought it was my imagination but it was constant. I stand up, not wanting to, and start to walk towards the cause of the sound. Their was a river near where we were, I didn't even have time to think before rushing over and putting my hands in the cold, fresh water. I take a huge gulp, feeling refreshed, as the cold liquid dribbles down my chin. 

"Water!" I scream excitedly.

"What?" I hear Aussie scream back, exhausted.

"I found water!" I yelled again, he must of heard me because I heard him drag a whining America and New Zealand to where I am. They all cupped their hands into the river, gulping down the water. Now to figure out if there is food around here.

There's got to be fish in the river, but there to hard to catch so I look around for berries. After walking around for a bit I find a berry bush, I examine it to make sure it's not a poisonous berry bush. I start to remember a safety guide I read and how to check if the berries are poisonous. After looking over them and determining if they were poisonous or not, I grab a whole bunch and put them inside the messenger bag. I couldn't help but try one on the way back, they tasted tart then sweet. I smile imagining how excited they will be when I come back with food.

I see Ame and Aussie with New Zealand, chilling under the tree, probably talking.

"Hey guys, I found some berries!" I say turning over my messenger bag and shaking it to empty it out. The berries fall on the ground and Ame picks one up. He plops it into his mout and gets a sour reflex before swallowing it, we laughed at the silly face he made. Must of got a tart one. We eat the berries trying not the squirt the juice all over ourselves and each other.

It became night and the sky was clear, sprinkled with stars. We all lay down and look at the stars telling each other stories about our friends and live so we've heard many times before but a little changed. It felt nice to hear them again and just to talk. The stars seemed to catch Ame's attention, them reflecting off his big sparkling eyes. It was the same calming feeling you get at looking at them as looking at clouds or laying on a breezy hill. And like that we fell asleep under the stars that twinkled in the sky.


Yay I did it, hope you all enjoyed. Have a good day or night!

Oh and feel free to vote what your favorite character in the story is so far.

Word Count: 1031

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