Chapter 2

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Canada's p.o.v

I wake up and shoot my body up, hitting my head on the top bunk bed. I grown, rubbing my head. My eyes keep wanting to close and when they do it's so hard to open them again. The spot of my head I hit starts throbbing and I regret letting America take top bunk. He's shorter and moves around a lot in his sleep so he could fall off. I randomly grabbed something from my drawer and got dressed. I looked up at America, he was laying oddly and it looked uncomfortable but I didn't do anything about it. I ran into dad's room real quick and grabbed a record from his shelf, music helped start my day and I liked it. We didn't have many "new" things, we didn't have a TV I hear kids talk about, we have an old rotary dial phone that Aussie likes to fiddle with and break a lot; the way we listen to music is with records and a record player. Also we don't have a digital clock only a grandfather clock that plays Westminster Bells. Dad says that these were things from his childhood and he lives by the saying if it isn't broken, then don't replace it. Though we do have some updated stuff especially in the kitchen because mom begged dad for it.

I carefully take the record out, trying not to smudge it, and put it on the record player. I put the needle on the record and hit the on button, the record spins and then I start to hear music. I quietly hum along and take leftover pancakes out of the freezer, putting them in the microwave. Dad walks down stairs with the newspaper in his hands. I don't care much for the newspaper, I'd rather read novels and such, but I did like the weekly comic strip. Dad went over to the coffee machine and started brewing coffee. Dad was never really a coffee drinker but mom was so she introduced it to him. I watch him until the microwave beeps and I quickly take the pancakes out of it.

"You're up early." My dad comments, grabbing his coffee.

I put the pancakes on a plate and grab the maple syrup.

"I'm usually up this early." I respond then wash my hands because America gets syrup all over the bottle so it's always sticky.

Dad makes a hum sound to tell me he heard me or just doesn't care anymore. I go up to wake my brothers. I go up to Aussie's room first because Ame isn't a morning person and would probably be crabby.

"Aussie..." I say softly shaking him.

He groans and opens his eyes.

"Time to wake up, breakfast is ready, so get dressed." I smile

He nods and gets up, but still looks half-asleep. I walk into my room and climb up the latter to America.

"Ame..." I say softly shaking him. He doesn't respond and just turns away from me.

"America!" I say sternly. "Get up!"

"Just 5 more minutes." He mumbles

"Nope!" I say ripping off his covers and blankets.

He groans and covers his head with his pillow. I rip that out of his hands also.

"Fine!" He says irritated and gets up.

"Get dressed, breakfast is ready." I say climbing down and heading towards the door. 

I go down and see Aussie dressed and pouring syrup on his pancakes. Dad is also at the table reading the newspaper and sipping his coffee. His foot tapping along to the music being played on the record player. I go sit down and hear a loud thump sound. I look over and see America tripped down the stairs and now is laying on the floor, laughing. Dad rolls his eyes; I sigh and go help him up. We all eat breakfast peacefully and I notice America's legs shaking under the table as dad stares at him but I don't say anything. We all go up and brush our teeth and grab whatever else we need for school. Australia grabs his bookbag and darts out the door while I wait for America; I look over to New Zealand and dad. New Zealand sticks her hand out of the crib grabbing for dad, and he just gives a quick glance before walking away. New Zealand's smile and hand dropped, and she sat there quietly. 

Ame finally comes down with his bookbag on and we get ready to leave but first I smile and wave to New Zealand. Ame's pretty talkative and social, so we chat a bit walking up to the bus stop. It makes me sad on how hard he tries to "fit in" and get people to like him. Aussie is talking to a group of kids at the bus stop who are around his age, some look like the ones he was playing with yesterday. It wasn't hard for Aussie to make friends, it just came naturally, oh how Ame wishes he could have that...and I guess I do too. The only friend I really have is Greenland but he's been hanging out with Antarctica lately so I'm usually by myself. Ame only has one really good friend, Japan, she and him hang out a lot. She's like the shy nerd type with her always holding these "Manga" things and her big round glasses, not to meantion she's super smart; America could learn a thing or two from her. But usually when her and Ame hang out their both silly and outgoing, enjoying a comfort of having a friend. Ame might not have a lot of friends like Aussie but he does have one great friend and others who enjoy talking to him, and that's something I wish I had. I always feel like I'm invisible.

The bus pulls up breaking me from my daydream, which I seem to do a lot according to my family. I get on and kids are shoving and pushing, it was very crowded. I barely squeeze onto a seat, and kids were screaming in my ear. I ignore it and waited for the bus ride to be over and taking in the free time I had. I kept moving around so I wasn't touching anyone not because I minded being squished, but because I thought they minded being squished. When the bus finally stops I look around to find my brothers, I spot them and wait to get off the bus. Once I get off I mentally prepare myself for another long and boring day.


Hi! 2 chapters in one day! I hope you all are enjoying, next chapter is going to be much more interesting. Thanks for reading and bye!

Word Count: 1123

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