Chapter 13

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Canada's p.o.v

We both kind of awkwardly laugh. I stare at Aussie knowing he must of been troubled by something to switch. He looks at the ground puzzled, causing a weird silence between the three of us. Aussie never liked switching, maybe because of how dad talks about it like it's a disease, or he thinks it's weird and is ashamed. But it's not something he can change about himself, to me it just makes him more special. I silently sit down next to him, looking at the sky. Aussie always had his heart on his sleeves, he was so easy to read when something was troubling him.

"Are you ok?" I ask softly still looking at the sky so he doesn't feel pressured. He shakes his head no, slowly.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask letting him know he had a choice. New Zealand looked up at us with innocent eyes.

He hesitates before speaking, "This-this feels wrong. Everything does. I've just left my friends I've known forever in a second and I've probably made'm really upset. They made me so happy, not that you guys don't, it's just that...I guess I really miss my mates."He chuckles nervously. "H-how are we doing any good for Ame if now he's sick and we can't do anything but watch him suffer. Also how are we doing any good for ourselves, making us homeless with no money or food; how is that better than before?" Aussie's hands clenched into a fist. "Why is change so hard, why can't I just be ok with it!" Aussie bites his bottom lip trying not to sob as tears flooded down his face. Even at this state, he tried to make himself look strong and brave. I sigh and rub his arm.

"We left because we all deserve to be treated kindly and/or fairly, and we all deserve to be happy, don't you agree? But I do understand. Change is hard for everyone, everyone functions at a different pace. It's hard to change what you've been so comfortable at doing. I understand nobody works like that so please stop stressing about it. And I'm so sorry Aussie, I should of gave you more time, that was my fault. But I didn't want to wait until it was too late and it was winter so we had to suffer through another year. If you went back now where would you go? Aussie...I-we care so much about you so stop stressing, this is what I should be worrying about not you, just relax and try to be happy; that's all I want." I told him. 

He gives a soft smile, telling me he feels a bit better. I pull him into a hug and he happily hugs back. It felt as if time stopped and only the soft breeze moved. Sometimes I wished someone would ask if I was ok or talk to me but I was the big brother. That was my job to do, not receive.

"Will Ame be ok?" Aussie asks into my chest.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine." I reply smiling. New Zealand feeling left out hugged us both and we sat like that for a little bit. I felt a bit worse, releasing Aussie and New Zealand.

I've always taken bad information from people, being that someone people could talk about their feelings to, so I took that stress and information from them and placed it into my little box, and hid it away forever. That stress from my little box added onto mine. 

I shut my eyes tight. Soft music from a music box played, with a little ballerina spinning on top. All the sudden I was on a stage, everything in vintage lighting. My limbs tied to string like a puppet as people in the audience laughed at me. Then as I thought nothing could get worse, my little box opened and sounds came flooding out telling me scenarios I've heard before, that their my fault. I try to run but the strings don't let me move much. The sound of the music box, crowd, and box became too overwhelming and I held my pounding head, screaming, "Canada!"-

"Canada!" Aussie yells waking me up. I look around and we were still hugging.

"You fell asleep after I asked you about Ame." He informed me.

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