Chapter 14

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Canada's p.o.v

Ame stares at me to process what I said. 

"No problem!" He says with a Hollywood smile and a thumbs up.

"Aww shoot..." Aussie groans from behind us because he dropped his berry on himself, splattering berry juice all over his lap, and then it rolled off his lap and into the grass.

Ame laughed but ended up choking on the berry in his mouth, pounding his chest with tears at the corners of his eyes, but still with a big goofy grin. Once he finally caught his breath his continued his intrupted giggle while a laughed a bit.

"Karma." I said to him with a sly grin, he gave me a pouting face and threw a berry at my head, hitting my cheek. He had just committed war.

I chuckled lowly, "Okay, so that's how you want to play, eh?" I grab another berry and throw it Ame's chest. He grinned and stood up, grabbing more berries. Bored, Aussie stood up and also grabbed berries, chucking them at Ame. They laughed and chased each other around, throwing berries at each other. I threw a berry at Aussie, catching his attention. He turned to me and started chasing me, I faked screamed and ran away. New Zealand stayed put, watching us and eating her berry. Ame caught me at a corner and smashed a berry into my chest. I laughed, causing us all to laugh. We dropped the smushed berries in our hands and tried to clean ourselves up. That night we all slept under the blanket together.

In the morning I woke up my siblings easily, surprisingly. We grabbed everything we needed before heading off to somewhere, where there would probably be more materials. We played around, as children, this time walking around. Sometimes the boys played tag or Ame would act as a drill sergeant, but no keeping the act long because he would always giggle at his fake deep voice. New Zealand skipped around, touching everything she saw. Sometimes I would have to go chase after her if she ran after a wild animal.

"Ok, ok. I spy with my little eye!" Ame says confidently. They've played a couple of rounds of this game, but Ame's was always the easiest to figure out.

"The grass?" Aussie asked and Ame turned to face him with an 'how did you guess' face. I couldn't tell if he was joking around, but knowing Ame he probably was.

"I spy with my  little eye, somethin' orange." Aussie said in a sing-song voice. Ame searched around before giving his reply.

"The leaves!" He said pointing to a single tree with orange leaves. Aussie nodded, defeated.

"Hooray! Point for me, New Zealand!" Ame cheered looking at New Zealand who had both of her hands in frount of her, counting points to keep score. At the end of the game, Aussie ended up winning. We all laughed at Aussie's childish victory dance when I announced that he had won. Later the rest of us walked in silence while Ame was humming a loud tune.

Time passed of us discussing about the world and lots of walking on open land. It was so cold that you could see your own breath, so they childishly played with the steam coming out of their mouth, even acting like they were smoking with I disapproved of.

"Hey Aussie?" Ame asks and Aussie nods. "Remember when we played 'I spy with my little eye'?" 

"Yeah, and I won?" He replied confused.

"Well I spy with my little eye something green and brown, it's hard to miss." Ame said squinting into the distance.

I looked to that direction and focused very hard. It was a mini forest with a huge lake in the middle. I smiled largely and started to head in that direction, making sure everyone was following. As the sky got a bit darker wind started to pick up, making it even more cold. By the time we reach it there I looked back and my siblings were a shivering, freezing mess.

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