Chapter 3

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Canada's p.o.v

Hopping off the bus I try to find my brothers, looking over a sea of children. Thanks to me behind abnormally tall, I can see over people quite well. I spot Australia but he seems busy so I leave him alone, I try to find America but I'm already pushed inside the building. Though middle school wasn't as bad as many of the books I read, it still sucked. Since not having many friends, I mostly focused on getting good grades. 

I walk to my locker and turn the nob to finally open it, putting away unnecessary things I didn't need for the day. Walking down the hallway I wave back to some people waving at me. I only barely knew them they weren't exactly my "friends". I couldn't make friends with people no matter what I did so I just try to be a nice and polite person to everyone. But still people only just talk to me or say hello, never invite me places or hangout outside of school.

The rest of the day was pretty boring, I did my assignments and moved on to the next class. I guess the only interesting thing was that there was a fight, all the kids pushed and ran towards it happening, shouting and chanting while teachers ran over to stop it from happening. I could care less I just wish we didn't have to fight to solve our problems.

After school I came with Aussie and his friends to watch them play football together. I decided to pick up on the names of his friends: Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Marshall Islands, Palau, Kiribati, Vanuatu, Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu, Nauru, Solomon Islands, and Micronesia. Together they called themselves "Oceania", which I thought was pretty funny. Tonga threw the football into Micronesia's face, accidentally giving them a bloody nose, so they all went home for the day. It was still pretty early in the day so me and Aussie didn't really know what to do. I tried to think of what we could do, because I didn't really want to go home, but nothing came to mind so we just walked home. To get  rid of the awkward atmosphere I asked Aussie how his day was and he started to tell me the whole story of his day making me start to daydream and not pay attention. The wind whistled as it blew against my ear, I breathed in slowly. 

We finally got home, I grabbed Aussie's shoulder, before he ran in, telling him to take off his shoes. He grabbed them off, throwing them half way across the room and then running upstairs, to where I presume was his room. I sigh going over to grab Aussie's shoes. I hear something coming downstairs, and turn in that direction. America was coming downstairs, he looked over and tackled me into a hug.

"Welcome home!" He smiled

I totally forgot to tell him I was going with Aussie, he must of been worried.

"Thanks." I say trying to reinsure him that I was fine just in case he was worried.

We walk back over towards the front door, so I can put Aussie's shoes away properly, as I tell him what happened at Aussie's game. Dad walks down the hallway silently, almost in a eerie way. He grabs my arm and drags me outside not saying anything, I'm confused and go along with it. Ame follows right behind. Dad sharply points towards outside.

"Go outside and play a sport or something, you're so weak!" He says sternly. I stare into his eyes that look so dull and tired, something bad must of happened at work.

"Dad-!" I protest, instantly regretting it.

Dad pushes me, and I roll my ankle tripping down the stairs. It was true I was pretty weak, I didn't do physical activities much. I sometimes played baseball with Ame and I liked hockey but I was still pretty weak compared to dad's standards. Dad turns to America and starts talking to him in the same stern voice.

"Go inside and study, your grades are horrendous!" He shouts, pointing towards the house.

America's facial expression turned into rage and I felt my stomach flip. This comment also made me frown because America's the type of person to work all night on their project until they pass out, and try so hard even if their grades aren't very successful.

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