Chapter 6

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"I'll go with you guys!"

Canada's p.o.v

It's takes me a second to process what he said, I melted into a feeling of happiness.

"You will!" I smile excitedly and run over and hug him, tightly.

"Woah mate, chill out!" He laughs, I was just so thankful that he was going to go with us, I don't think I could deal with the guilt with leaving him alone.

I take a moment to focus again, we still had to escape.

"I think we are going to leave now, grab anything you want to bring, but you're carrying it." I say to him walking towards the stairs to go get New Zealand.

I pick her up out of the crib, holding her close to my chest, trying not to wake her. She moved her hand slightly to grab my plaid shirt, letting me have a free arm and moving the one that was holding her in place to support her weight. I slowly walk into America's room and see him at his desk, he seems to be writing a letter or something. His hand kept shaking so I can tell he's having a hard time writing it.

"Are you ok?" I ask softly, walking in.

He sighs, "yeah, just saying bye to Anne." He puts the letter in an envelope and closes it. Anne was his nickname for Japan, I believe, since he was so bad with names. "I feel bad for leaving, y'know?" He states softly. 

"Yeah I understand, it must be hard." I reply looking down at New Zealand in my arms who was still sleeping. It's quiet and I hear small sniffling sounds that he tried to muffle. "Want a hug?" I ask in a comforting tone. He turns around with tears in the corners of his eyes and walks slowly over to me, hugging me. I move New Zealand a bit so she wouldn't get squished.

"Im sorry." He said bitting his bottom lip, trying not to cry but his voice was shaky. I keep telling him that he doesn't need to apologize and rub circles on his back. He's always scared that I'll judge him or something, his mind tends to fall into questions like 'what if' and he can't seem to get out. Sometimes he gets so scared he does things without thinking about it fully, and his actions can sometimes come off as selfish or cocky, he just wants to be the best country and for people to like him. I guess not having anything here made it easy for me wanting to just get up and leave and I became oblivious that they still had things here for the. "I don't know why I-I'm acting like this, I shouldn't be acting like this...I'm sorry..." he said into his sleeves, while trying to wipe away tears.

"America you're ok, I'm never going to make any of you do something you don't want to do, ok? You don't have to go..." I say softly but bitterly mumble the last part. He nods understandingly. 

"Ok I wanna go." Ame says more highly spirited and giving me a small smile. I give a soft smile back.

New Zealand yawns and makes herself more comfortable in my arms. Ame quickly grabs the letter and we walk downstairs. Aussie seemed to have letters of his own.

"Ah, you did the same." Aussie commented on the letter in Ame's hand.

He chuckles, "Yeah I guess great minds think alike." 

"Who said you have a great mind?" Aussie replied jokingly, earning a bitter look from Ame.

I grab the messenger bag and put it around my shoulder.

"Ok lets go!" I tell them, slowlying opening the frount door.


Hi guys, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Sorry it was pretty short I'll try to upload another one tonight. We'll have a good day or night! 

Word Count: 649

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