Chapter 9

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Canada's p.o.v

It was still pitch black out but the rain start to soften to a drizzle. Struggling a bit, Ame carried Aussie wile I carried sleeping New Zealand in my arms, clutching her close to my chest. Carefully with my free hand I whipped around the messenger bag and pulled out a flashlight since there were no street lights. I clicked the button on the flashlight, turning the light on. But the light flickered meaning it wouldn't last long. Ame yawned, while I used the flashlight to search around. Hopefully people were nice here and would help out. Dad never took us anywhere, we had never been farther than our home town. People would come visit us but we would never visit them. I've always been jealous hearing about the different places my classmates have gone and mom's adventures, I guess that's another reason for me really wanting to leave. Ame tells me that during the summer time Japan and the Korea twins go to an vacation island that you have to take a plane to, I wouldn't mind visiting there, it seems peaceful with all the beaches and the always sunny, warm sky. I'd relax on the sand while my brothers play in the waves, New Zealand would collect sea shells or build a sand castle. Mom would take pictures of the ocean while dad would read a book...right next to me......I shake the thoughts out of my head, that would never happen anyway. 

"Stay close." I tell Ame and he nods.

Ame looks the other direction, going through open and empty stores and small corner shops that sell knick-knacks and/or fresh produce, searching for people. I look around; I stop dead in my tracks and stare to my left. A dark silhouette moved around in what seemed to be a grave yard, it was a side view but it looked as if the silhouette was whispering to the grave while holding flowers. I instantly flash the flashlight in that direction and they turn to me petrified, they dropped the flowers and ran.

"Hey wait! I'm sorry!" I yelled, chasing after them. Ame heard my voice and started to chase after me but not as fast because Aussie was in his arms, weighing him down.

Running through the bushes and pushing branches out of the way I screamed for them but it seemed that they kept getting faster and faster. It didn't help that I was already tired and I had now woke up New Zealand who was struggling to slip out of my arms. After continuing to scream I can feel my throat send me sharp pain, and my feet feel like they are stepping on needles, every time I step. But my adrenaline keeps me running, my lungs puff out, pleading for mercy. My body is hot, and because of the cool air it feels freezing and hard to breathe.

"Please wait!" I finally huff out with all the energy I could muster up. My legs collapse, making me fall to the ground. New Zealand slips out of my arms and runs to someone following me behind. They come into my view, barely carring onto Aussie and breathing heavily, it was Ame. I hear the bushes rustle and I sharply turn in that direction. The silhouette from before comes out in a pitiful expression. They looked older than us, like the age of an college student. Their outfit reminds me of how Dad dresses and their flag has 3 horizontal stripes, the bottom was an golden yellow, the middle was red, and the top was black. They had square glasses with a crimsion trim.

"Du meine güte! (Oh my goodness!), Are you guys alright?" They asked worried, looking at Aussie's condition. Their accent was thick and hard to understand. 

We don't respond not really knowing what to say, the person notices our shyness.

"Oh, I'm Germany." He introduced, smiling and holding out his hand. 

I hesitantly shook his hand, mumbling "Canada." Ame grunts, trying to pull Aussie up who was slipping down his arms. Germany noticed this and picked Aussie up, supporting his body. Ame, who was bit nervous giving this stranger Aussie, but had no choice since he was falling out of his arms; sighed in relief, feeling extra free and light. 

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