Chapter 8

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Canada's p.o.v

I wake up and stretch; the ground's a lot stiffer then it seems. I get up, brushing off any dirt on me. I woke up just early enough to see the sunrise. I look over and only Ame is laying there peacefully, though he twitched in his sleep here and there. I decided to get a drink at the river and the walk there would help me wake up. As I got closer there was a lot of commotion. I sneaked closer to see what was happening; Aussie was swinging New Zealand back and fourth about to throw her into the water before I scream. Startled, he looks behind him and I'm standing there.

"What the heck are you doing!" I yell confused and scared.

"Huh, I was just givin' Ze, here a bath." He responded confused.

I groaned, Aussie had the tendency to do a lot of reckless things, even if he meant well.

"Ok you can do that, but please don't throw her in the water she isn't a toy and you could seriously hurt her. Gently place her in the water." I explain

He nods and lowers her down into the water, washing off the mud. I was going to ask why she was covered in mud, but a part of me didn't really want to know. 

I walk back silently, trying not to wake Ame, if he was still sleeping. The air is moist and cold, almost as a depressing atmosphere. I stepped on a dried up leaf, making a large crunching sound. It made me shoot up and look around. Some of the leaves on the trees turned a reddish color. I squint, it was becoming fall; winter could fall soon after. The sound of the leaf also seemed to wake Ame, which was surprising since usually he was a deep sleeper. While he struggles to keep his eyes open, my eyes dart to the messenger bag on the ground. There were no berries around it, we must of ate them all. I clean up the area and Ame's finally up.

"We should probably get going." I say to him.

He stretches out his arms making a popping sound. "Mhm okay." He then yawns loudly. I go over and put a hand on his shoulder, he in return gives me a goofy smile with another tired yawn. 

"Oi! We're back!" Aussie says giggling, soaking wet.

He was carrying New Zealand by her arm pits, also soaking and giggling.

"What am I going to do with you two?" I laugh in a motherly voice, grabbing a small hand cloth/towel I packed out of the messenger bag. I handed it to Aussie who started drying New Zealand.

"Pft- what happened to you two?" Ame snorted.

"Water, that's what happened." Aussie smiled, booping New Zealand's nose.

"Ok! Let's get going!" I say confidently.

We all head off, opposite direction of where we came from. They chatted a bit, and I made a few comments here and there. Slowly we came up to a fork in the road, taking off my messenger bag and scurrying through it, I then grab a map out of it.

"What is it, 1974?" Ame asks cheekily, in response of seeing the map.

"Har har." Aussie sarcastically replies.

I ignore both of them and turn the map around so it wasn't upside down. Pointing my finger on where we were my eyes followed down different paths. 

"We can take a short cut through the forest to the next town for some food." I say and they make a hum sound in response.

"Alrighty then." I say tucking away the map and heading onward. We walk for what feels like years, and my feet are killing me. Ame starts to act different, more hangry and tired. Just not like himself.

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