Chapter 10

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Canada's p.o.v

Waking up was pretty peaceful. Actually everyone was up before me, even Ame. I groan softly looking around the small room. Sunlight flooded the room from a small window, making dust particles fly. The room looked, old, dusty, and empty; as if the room wasn't touched in years to preserve the memories. Though I wish there was a clock in here so I could tell the time. Getting out of Poland's and Germany's spare clothes, I put on my regular clothes. Poland was nice enough to clean them last night. It seemed my siblings did the same. I open the blinds on the larger window a bit and more sunlight poured into the room and sneezed, because of all the dust that was attracted to it. I then open the door and walk out; I could hear voices from downstairs, it sounded like Ame was talking to Germany. Ame's weird like that, he super shy and untrusting until he gets to know you and then is the most outgoing person you'll ever meet. Stepping downstairs I see Ame, Germany, and Aussie all sitting at the table.

"Aussie? What are you doing up? Shouldn't you be resting?" I ask him, concerned and a bit confused.

He musters up a toothy smile and shakes his head, no. 

"I've only got bruises, nothin' major. Don't worry mate, I'm feelin' much better!" Aussie says through his grin. 

His eyebrows twitch as I stare at him, but Ame and Germany seemed to not notice. I sigh, I was very skeptical though, with that big of a fall, I don't think he would recover overnight. But this was Aussie we're talking about and he I said one of the strongest people I know. Ame childishly smiles and pats the seat next to him.

"'Nada! Come sit down next to me!" Ame giggled. Ame sucked at remembering names so he would always give everyone nicknames. What he came up with is actually what we all use to address each other when we wanted to to. Though he hadn't came up for one for New Zealand yet. If I'm lucky sometimes he would call me 'Maple'.

But Ame was acting too suspicious, "What did you do to the chair?" I ask like this was an normal thing.

He dramatically gasps, putting his hand to his chest. "Ah dear brother, how dare you accuse me of such foul actions! I would do none of the such! I thought you loved me!" He said dramatically and began to fake cry at the end. I roll my eyes playfully. Everyone in the room laughs, and Ame chuckles snapping back to how he was before. "But seriously, no, I just wanted you sit next to me."

I smile softly and come sit down next to him, listening to his conversation. New Zealand was off  over with Poland somewhere. I knew we had to leave soon, but I didn't know where to go.

"Hey Germany?" I ask and he makes a hum sound to say he's listening. "We still got to go, got any suggestions on where we should go?" Germany sits there puzzled, tapping his chin.

"Aww, leaving so soon. Well if you adventure forward, thorough a small forest, you'll get out and into the country. I suggest catching a ride on the box car train, it's hard to miss. I've heard it's real pretty out there but is also pretty cold currently, so be careful." Germany suggests and I thank him.

Though I didn't want to leave so soon, I didn't want to be a burden. They've already wasted enough time and effort on us, who aren't even there responsibility.

"Ok guys, let's head off soon." I inform my brothers and Aussie groans softly, going over to get New Zealand.

"Woo! Let's hit the road guys!" Ame cheers, sipping his arms up in the air. And I made a last check to see if we had everything. A small we were heading out to the door, Poland stopped us.

"Wait!" Poland called running over to me. He hands me a blue feather tied to a small brown loop.

"Take this to remember us, ok?" Poland says and I tie the loop to a chain on the messenger bag, nodding thoughtfully and thankfully. "And be safe!" Poland reminded us, they acted as if we were there children and it was our first day of school.

And with that we headed off once again; while Germany cried out "Tschüss! (Bye!)" and Poland cried out "Do widzenia! (Goodbye!)" waving vigorously. It was sad because we would probably never see them again.

Walking through the town, in daylong now, it surprisingly seemed the same. There were more people of course but it still seemed like a small and quiet town. Most countries walking around were talking to one another, speaking what kind of sounded like what Germany speaks, so I couldn't quite understand what they were saying. I only understand French and English, while Ame knows English, Spanish, and a bit of other languages (only knowing how to curse and say hello), and Aussie knows English and some Mandarin. I remember mom and dad spoke Latin to each other so we wouldn't understand. To counteract that, Ame took some Latin classes in school but was only able to learn, in that class, was how to ask for your name and how you're favorite food. 

There were puddles all over the ground, you could definitely tell it rained last night. Ame walked past a huge puddle and a car drove right past him, splashing him. Aussie couldn't contain his laughter while Ame pouted about being soaking wet. During the last minutes of walking through the town Ame and Aussie kept jumping in puddles, hoping that they would at least splash one another. It would be their fault when they're cold. 

We finally reached the small forest and I made sure it wasn't to muddy or slippery, I wasn't going to make the same mistake again. We walked through the small forest pretty quickly while Ame kept sharply turning around, searching the whole forest.

"Am I the only one who feels like they're getting watched through the trees?" Ame asks nervously.

"'re crazy." Aussie bluntly says.

"Oh shut up Aussie!" Ame groans irritatingly.

Ame always gets scared of the weirdest things. I look down at New Zealand, it's so weird having her not talk, but she'll learn how to talk soon I hope. Dad never bothered to teach her.

  After stepping down on sticks so they wouldn't shoot up and stab me, I see a bright light from the other end. Finally we're almost out. Within seconds we walk out and into a beautiful huge field. Surprisingly it is covered in wild flowers, while most flowers at this time of year were already wilted. 

"Woah!" Ame says running out into the field, Aussie following close behind. "Wait, be careful!" I wanted to yell but I just stood there and watched what they were doing. Ame and Aussie climbed up the grassy hill and rolled down it, laughing. New Zealand tried to walk out and follow them but still staring at them I grab her wrist and pull her back softly, she gives me a sour look. Shaking my head, coming back to reality, I go over to them where they were laying on the ground, giggling.

"Dang it, now I'm all itchy!" Aussie complains.

"Hah!" Ame mocks before also feeling itchy from the grass blades.

We all smile before hearing a train whistle. That must be a train, we should go catch it! Quickly I grab everyone and run towards the train station nearby. There was no time, confused Aussie and Ame tried to squirm out of my grasp, but I didn't let them. Since we were behind the train station  we could see the train about to leave. I run up and jump into a boxcar, grabbing on the bottom for dear life. Ame jumps next and I pull him on. The train begins to move faster and Aussie throws New Zealand to me. I catch her and pull her up next to me. Aussie chases after the train which was now going much faster, stumbling a bit. Ame held out his hand for Aussie who was reaching out for it. Finally Aussie makes a leap of faith and me and Ame both hold onto his arms, struggling to pull him onto the boxcar. The train is fastly moving by now, blowing wind onto my face. With one last heave, we pull Aussie up into the boxcar. I Finally relax and watching the scenery flash past my eyes in a fast motion, just taking in the fresh air.


Ahh School Sucks!!!

Oh and uh thanks for reading, hope you have a great day or night!

Word Count: 1474

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