Chapter 15

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This chapter has a lot of Angst so uh warning ⚠️

Canada's p.o.v

"What! Oh no I wouldn't want to be a burden, we're a bit much to handle." I say shaking my hands.

"No it's fine, really. We hav-...had a huge family, you guys should be nothing!" He says reinsuring me.

"As much as I would like to, I have to ask my siblings, I don't want to keep forcing them into situations..." I say looking over at the spot where smoke was rising, from our campfire.

"Oh..." he replied almost a bit disappointed. I hated the feeling of making someone sad.

"Is something wrong? Did I do something bad?" I ask nervously.

"No! Your just one of the few people who actually talk to me..." he replies but his voice was getting softer and softer.

I puckered my lips, making a clicking sound with my tongue; I got this from Ame who did that sometimes. I couldn't help but pity him since I was in the same position. I then placed me hand on top of his and he seems to tense up.

"I understand where your coming from, it sucks feeling left out and alone, trust me I've been there. It's not as easy as just talking to someone, you worry how they're going to feel about you, and end up not wanting to talk to anyone and risk it. All our life we're told that friends make your life better and without them your life won't have as much meaning or enjoyment. So we shame ourselves for being friendless. But no matter what you'll always be okay, by the sounds of it your family will always support you so you just need to believe in yourself, not everyone is going to like you so what's the point in trying to accomplish that, just be you without restrictions from other people or yourself. Having self-confidence doesn't make you cocky or selfish it keeps you from worrying about everything and just loving who you are." I smile warmly, he turns to look at and hugs me tightly. I tense at the sudden movement bu soften after realizing what was happening. "You know what, come back in the morning and I'll ask my brothers then." I say. He nods into my chest before releasing me.

"W-we can be friends right?" He asks, fiddling with his hands.

"Of course." I smile.

His mouth curls up into a grin. "Thanks, I really needed that, and see you tomorrow!" He yelled running away, back to his house I guess. I stare at my palms for a bit thinking; that talk didn't just help him, it also helped me. I smile once more before getting up and going back to my siblings. Getting myself situated I rest my head peacefully, listening to the crickets and drifting off to sleep.

I suddenly wake up to a loud sound, sitting up I watch Ame and Aussie wrestling. But the wrestling was more violent then usual, they weren't play-fighting. Aussie was on top of Ame, restraining him from punching him in the face. Ame squirmed around, trying to get out of his grasp.

"I'm gonna kill you!" Ame yells using all of his strength to kick Aussie off of him. He rolls off from the strong kick, pouncing back on the Ame, the rolled around a bit punching and hitting each other. Somehow Ame got on top and kept punching Aussie in the face, Aussie grabbed a near by rock and swung it at Ame's head-

"STOP!" I yell making them both pause in place before Aussie could hit Ame. I then run over and rip Ame off Aussie. The I forcefully grab the rock out of Aussie's hand and throw it as far away as I could. "What. The. Actual. Heck!" I say angrily and dumbfounded. Ame and Aussie just look away from each other.

"That spider slut put a beetle on me and I woke up to a beetle on my face!" Ame growled.

"Well I woke up to this fatty hitting me with a stick!" Aussie growled back.

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