Chapter 12

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(Oops sorry, I know it's a repost but I screwed up the title lol)

Canada's p.o.v

I feel so bad, we have nothing to make Ame feel better. To keep him comfy I wrap him in a blanket that I packed in the messenger bag; he resisted but I made him use it. After a few minutes he passed out, snoring softly.

"I..could try to find some water?..." Aussie suggested pitifully, thinking he was a part of the reason Ame's sick.

I shook my head, no, not knowing how far away a water source is and how safe it is around here. It felt nice to rest my aching legs. But my stomach still growled; Ame needed food to help him heal.

"Hey Aussie, take care of Ame and New Zealand while I search for some food." I tell him and he nods.

I didn't trust Aussie going out alone but I trusted myself a bit more. Maybe I could get lucky like last time and find berries again...but that didn't happen. I searched around for hours, I refused to come back empty handed but I couldn't find anything. At a point grass started looking appetizing. I was going to turn back and walk farther but I found a crab apple tree. I didn't even care if it was poisonous at this point, I'll eat anything. Most of the crab apples were rotten and too ripe so I could only grab a few. I had four in my hands but one rolled out and splattered all over the ground. I sighed, there goes my dinner...

Returning Aussie and New Zealand looked tired and hungry. I took an apple and handed to Aussie who almost instantly ate it, even if he didn't like the taste. I shake Ame a bit and he looks so tired and uncomfortable. It's so hard to look at him at this state and know you can't do anything about it. I hand him a crab apple but he doesn't seem to be too hungry, his sickness must of made him lose his appetite. I kind of fed it to him like a baby, it reminded me of when he was little and mom let me feed him. He swallows, shuddering after. I put my hand on his forehead and he shivers, my hand must of been cold. He then turns to his side and gives out a tired sigh. I get up to leave him alone and walk over to New Zealand who is drawing in the dirt with a stick. I hand her an apple and she stares at me.

"You're supposed to eat it." I say a bit confused.

She bites half of that apple and it catches me off guard, mouth full of apple she hands me the half. I decline it but she through at me and I sloppily caught it. I smile softly and eat it, it calm some my ragging stomach and released some stress. I sit down next to New Zealand, watching her draw. She yawns tiredly and leans her head on me. I stare at her drawing...

I smile brightly and hug New Zealand who is already asleep

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I smile brightly and hug New Zealand who is already asleep

I smile brightly and hug New Zealand who is already asleep. Aussie then came over and we all huddled together to stay warm. Germany was right, it was freezing. I hopped Ame was warm and would feel better soon.

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