Chapter 27

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Canada's p.o.v

It felt as if my whole life came crashing down in front of me, I didn't know how to find Aussie! I just hide myself from all the passing people, feeling confused and alone. I didn't notice Ame by my side, I didn't notice him chase after New Zealand, I only noticed the screams and chatter. Everyone swarmed in a huge circle, staring at the middle of the road. People whispered and gasped but I didn't understand what was so important. Some people got out their phones to call someone or someplace in a hurried and worried voice. To see what all the fuss was about, I got up and pushed past people talking about a kid. This made me panic and I pushed through more people, finally getting in front of everyone. New Zealand stood shaking as I looked down and saw the bloody body of my own brother. My heart dropped. The crimson liquid dripped out of his mouth while his eyes were dull and tired. His body was twisted awkwardly on the street. The man who drove the car was checking Ame's pulse; he was a heavier looking man. Not wanting to shut down again, I just scream.

"Get away from my brother!" I yell and rush over to him. Tears roll down my cheeks as I pull his head up to my chest and hold him there. "It's going to be okay..." I whisper to him through sobs. What did I do to deserve this. 

I don't even care about exploring or happiness anymore, I just want everything to be fine and everyone to be safe.

I want my siblings...

I want mom...

I want to be happy...

Men take Ame out of my arms as I scream and cry for my brother. They try to calm me down but I only watched my brother being loaded onto the ambulance. And then they drove off. A nice police officer brought us to the hospital where I sat in the waiting room to be able to see my brother. New Zealand ran off to the kids section. Thoughts and doubts ran through my head. Was this all my fault? Are my brothers suffering because of me?

The waiting room was very quiet, there was only the sound of a ticking clock or sick patients down the hall. I looked to my left where a man in a hospital gown was sitting. His name tag read, South Africa, and he gave me a small smile. Police tried to ask me questions but I avoided all the ones about our parents. A news team also interviewed me but I didn't mind.

I waited in the chair for hours watching the clock or people coming or leaving. Sometimes I would ease drop on conversations people had down the hall but usually it was too out of context for me to understand. Then finally a doctor came out. His flag was red with a white cross in the middle.

"Hello my name is Dr. Switzerland, you are America's brother, right? He has suffered from some blood loss and head injury. Due to the loss of oxygen and blood to the brain his body has put himself in a temporary coma to repair itself. We do not know how long this will take though." He informs me looking at his clip board. 

"How can he wake up?" I ask wanting to know if I can help him in some way.

Dr. Switzerland sighs, "Have you ever sat on your arm or leaned on your leg in a funny way?" He asks and I nod. "Well just like that the blood circulation got cut off. Just if your arm is 'asleep' you need to wait for the blood circulation to work again. Then his brain can work again and wake him up, also a coma works just like a normal sleep cycle so he will have dreams that will get his brain working and help him regain consciousness. Though you should consider yourself lucky that this isn't very serious, sometimes coma's like these  an last over 4 years." I nod as he talks. "You may sit in the room with him but he will be unconscious." With that I get up and follow him to Ame's room.

New Zealand's p.o.v

I hug my sheep plushie tightly. I had lost it and tried to tell Ame, but he didn't listen. I found it in the middle of the street, I must of dropped it. I went over and grabbed it but Ame pushed me behind him and the car hit him. Canada  and everyone looked very worried but I didn't understand. Some people picked up Ame from Canada and put him in a van. Then a police man took us to his car, I wonder if something bad happened, it would explain why everyone was so sad. I also wonder why Aussie went. When we got to the building I followed a group of kids, Canada nodded to me that it was okay.

This nice lady lead us all to a kids room with toys and books. All the kids seemed around my age, but were sick and here for a reason. The lady kneeled down to our height.

"Hello children, my name is Mrs. Grenada!" She smiled. We all sat in a circle on the carpet. "Okay let's introduce ourselves!" Everyone went around saying their name but when it was my turn I stayed silent, like always. She stared at me encouraging me until I point to my mouth.

"Oh!" She laughed softly and made motions with her hands. I turned my head a bit confused on what she was doing. At the top of the room was a sign language chart and the lady repeated what she did slowly. I used my knowledge on how to spell and spelled my name using that chart, even though it was very slowly. The lady smiled and translated what I said to all the children. I felt proud of what I did.

Mrs. Grenada then read us all a story and we did arts and crafts. I built a bird house out of popsicle sticks. It was nice being around other kids with problems like me, the kid across from me couldn't see while the one next to me had a heart problem. Mrs. Grenada gave me a sign language chart that I could keep and I signed to the other kids who couldn't talk.

Then Mrs. Grenada told us it was nap time and she brought us each to our rooms. I signed to her 'America' and she brought me to his room. I hugged her and waved goodbye before walking into the room. Ame and Canada we hugging so I climbed on the bed and laid in Ame's lap.

Only if they could do sign language, maybe I could tell them how much fun I had!


I did as much research on comas as I could but I may still be wrong so I'm sorry if I am. Also I hope you enjoyed this chapter, thanks for 8.9K readers like holy cow how did it rise so fast. I can't thank you enough! Anyway have a great day or night and stay safe! 

Word Count: 1196

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