Chapter 26

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America's p.o.v

I walk through the dried up field, I had just left an old Diner, but the music still rung through my ears. There wasn't a tree, plant, animal, nor person in sight. The year is 2057, no one else is alive. There is no such thing as animals or humans, what used to be fields filled with grass and flowers is now dirt. I actually don't remember the last time I've seen the sky, a thick moggy dust covers it. it's everything out of a dystopian world, everything is deserted. Walking by you see cars and stores empty. Everything is lonely. I can only hear the dirt crunch underneath my boots and a air tank on my back to help me breathe. I walk through a path that feels like I've walked through many times before, but everything is still new to me. I find myself following old and broken down signs that bring me down to what used to be a boardwalk. I sigh, walking around, everything is still here just...empty. Some shops have boarded windows while others don't, meaning some gave up trying to sell in these conditions, or try to make a life in these conditions for that matter. The boardwalk is so old and not taken care of, the boards are springing out. I look over to my left where there used to be a beach, now just water that comes up to the boardwalk. its way to dirty to drink with plastic floating in it. it used to smell like dead fish, but now they're all gone  so the world smells like nothing. looking at each boarded up shop and empty world made me have flashbacks that felt like they haven't happened yet.

Making sure not to trip on one of the loose boards, I kick a small can. The world is just so uncared for with nothing here left. kids running through the boardwalk laughing, people talking, seagulls stealing food, screams from the amusement park, people resting on the beach is all a memory now. Now its just empty filled with dirt, trash, and silence. I pick up a newspaper laying on the floor. It's headline read, "All Ice Caps Have Melted Now in 2032!". I frown and drop it on the ground again.

I decided to leave the boardwalk and walk to somewhere, familiar? I quietly hum looking over at what was a forest, now not even stumps. they all just burned. I miss being able to politely smile at people walking by or have a chat with friendly strangers. I miss interaction with people. I miss feeling the wind on my skin, breathing in fresh air, seeing the sunset, feeling snow, building snowmen, having snowball fights, smelling flowers, just feeling something. Usually these thoughts would bring me to tears but now they just...don't.

Through my rambling I walk up to a small house in a neighborhood, why does it feel so familiar while not at the same time? I go up to the door and its open so I step inside. its a nice little home, walls filled with picture and newspapers. My eyes scan through some of them.

"The Amazon Rainforest is Now Gone, 2036!" 

"Europe Finds Itself in Pieces After 26+ Wars in the Past Year Between Nations, 2047!"

"Polar Bears are now extinct, 2023!"

"13 Nations Fall To China, 2045!"

"Astauand Epidemic Starts in Denmark, 2036!" 

It keeps going and going, nonstop wall of disasters. I've must of stared at these a million times, why did they feel so new? My eyes turn to a picture of me, Canada, Aussie, and New Zealand all grown up. We all looked happy. I look away and walk to where I think is my office, its messy, papers everywhere. There's a huge poster of countries as red x's covered them all except one, USA.

The world dying had sent the world in chaos, all fighting each other. it was like a war where there was every country for themselves. I was so scared that the nations growing bigger would try to attack me that I freaked out. I had completely lost it, in a blink of an eye, I was standing over a loved one's soul, drenched in blood. I regret it all, if I could go back I would but I can't. Everyone died at each others hands when finally two nations left. And somehow I won, sometimes I wished I hadn't, maybe I wouldn't be so lonely. I ignored my people and problems, so did other nations, so everything died. And that brings me here. 

I walk over to my T.V. and turn it on, a movie pops up. I feel like I've watched this before, but why couldn't I remember the plot. The T.V. turned into a loud beeping that rand through my ears, echoing in my head. The T.V. started to look like a heart monitor...odd. I could hear mumbles but I couldn't tell where they were coming from. is stood up feeling dizzy and looked around. Scared, I ran upstairs and opened a door. I walked in and fell down, and down; shutting my eyes tightly. 

A few moments later I open my eyes and look down to see my body which wasn't there. I couldn't feel my body, it was like it was invisible. I don't think I was even a head, I was air. it was all dark with a bit of light coming from the walls. 

"Oh Ame, I'm so sorry." I heard someone sob, but I couldn't see them. "This is all my fault, and now y-your in a coma!" They cried again. Coma? Is that Canada? Canada! I tried to shout his name but nothing happened. 

"It's me Canada! I'm alive!" I try to say again. I guess I'm in a coma, so what felt like a memory was a dream. I'm glad that, that was only a dream or something. 

I was so happy to hear Canada's voice. I kept calling out his name, but the same thing kept happening. 

"If I wasn't such an idiot, this would of never happened! I-Its all my fault; I thought we should leave to be happy but it has just made everything worse. What's the point Ame, if everything we do just makes it worse, what's the point in even trying. I'm not brave, I'm not strong, just a dumb kid who thought I could make everything better...well I can't! And I'm so very sorry. You don't deserve this punishment because of my dumb actions..." Canada cried, I listened thoughtfully. It was odd, Canada was always there to listen to us but he never had anyone to listen to him. I kept trying to work my body, my eyes start to flutter. I kept calling his name and then, my eyes flutter out, while I make out a groaning sound.

It takes a second to get used to the light and feel my body. Canada is crying his eyes out until he looks at me. He runs over and hugs me, crying into my shoulder. Taking a second to be able to speak again, I open my mouth.

"Canada, your the most smart, amazing, thoughtful, brave, strong, cool, and everything else person I've ever met. I mean you were smart enough to think to leave, brave enough to actually do it, kind enough to think about us. 'Nada you're the best brother ever, and that's why I look up to you. I mean how can I look up to you if you can't even look up to yourself! Don't you dare ever question those things again because you are so amazing." I tell him, he looks at me with watery eyes. He hugs me tighter. 

"Thank you so much Ame, I really needed that, and..." He cried, rambling off as I pat his back and shush him. it felt nice not to be lonely.

New Zealand came in from the wherever and hopped on the bed. We all snuggled with eachother.


Thanks for reading this chapter! I hope you enjoyed! I was trying out a new story idea in the begging, so that's why it was like a whole story. I was doing research about coma's and I learned that you like dream in them (that's the best way I can put it) so I did like a dream story thing. Anyway have a great day or night!

Word Count: 1395

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