Chapter 23

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️: It's getting to the Climax so it's getting very intense, if  you are super sensitive to things please don't read.

Canada's p.o.v

"Wake up!"

"Canada get up!"


My eyes slightly open, everything blurry. I blink and it clears out, I see a dull and stern looking Netherlands staring at me.

"Take this and clean up!" Netherlands says shoving a damp cloth into my hands. 

What's happening? Is this how he always gets up? I look around and see my siblings aren't with me. Still pretty tired, I find my way to the bathroom and wash my face. I examine the bags under my eyes in the mirror, I really need to get more sleep. Even my own flag is a little pale. I splash the freezing water from the faucet on my face to wake me up. With that I stare at myself one more time and head off going down the stairs. 

Netherlands was half sitting on a chair, smoking a cigarette. Ame, Aussie, and New Zealand were just standing around also looking tired. Once Netherlands saw me he walked over to me and crouched to my height. He took his cigarette out of his mouth and blew a big ring of smoke into my face, making me cough and squint. From the corner of my eyes I could see a few empty beer bottles laying around. His breath wreaked of smoke and alcohol. He stood back up straight.

"Y'know now that you all are up, I can kick you out. You all are wasting too much money. Eruit! (Get out!)" 

"I-I'm sorry I don't think I understand!" I stutter as Netherlands drunkenly shoves me towards the door. I couldn't hear much of what he was saying since his words were slurred. But he kept rambling about wasting money.

Netherlands kept shoving me towards the front door so I grabbed my messenger nag. My siblings ran to my side but Netherlands started to push all of us out violently.

"Netherlands we will leave, please don't do this." I say and the door gets slammed in my face.

Aussie kicks the door out of frustration.

"What a jerk!" Aussie huffed crossing his arms.

I look at Ame and he's having a panic attack. What the heck happened, something must of triggered him. We all go over and hug him tightly making him feel loved, he kicked and screamed but finally his breath slowed. 

" dad...drank problems away...he's dad...when he drinks." Ame stuttered figuring himself out, I rubbed circles on his back. Ame took a deep breath before punching the door and hugging me back tightly. "I hate alcohol." He mumbled.

I grab his wrist and pull him away; New Zealand clung to my leg because she was scared. 4 children walking around the streets of a huge city hungry and cold. We've already been attack once.

 "What do we do now?" Aussie asked.

Ame grabs a peice of rubble and chucks it as far as he can. We were in a very deserted place in the city. Broken things everywhere.

"I don't know Aussie.." I say helpless.

New Zealand picked up an old looking sheep stuff animal laying in the ground. I looked as if it was designed for a baby, still very soft and no cuts or tears. It was still pretty white but was a bit stained. It had a strip of silk attacked to it like a ribbion that New Zealand carried it by.

"Eww New Zealand, you don't know where that's been. It probably has a million germs on it." I tell her.

"You have a million germs on you." Ame mumbled making Aussie smirk. 

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