Chapter 17

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  Canada's p.o.v

I lost track of time talking to Ukraine for hours about life. I feel something tug at my shirt and look down to see Belarus with New Zealand next to her.

"New Zealand's brother, can you take us out to see the sheep; New Zealand really wants to." She innocently smiled. I looked to Ukraine to see his reply.

"Uh sure, Kaza is out there also." Ukraine replied, getting up out of the chair and pushing it back in. He grabs Belarus's hand and I grab New Zealand's. 

Ukraine leads us to the back door and turned the doorknob with his empty hand. The cold wind blew on us as soon as he opened the door. We walked around trying to find the sheep pens.

"Kaza!" Ukraine yelled waving to a boy with golden wings on his head, holding a chicken while Aussie softly pet it. Kaza gave Ukraine a nervous smile and waved with his free hand. I followed Ukraine when he started to walk towards them, our sisters trailing behind.

"'Nada did you know they have a farm!" Aussie said excitedly.

"Yes, I've seen." I say chuckling at his excitement.

"He really likes animals." Kaza informs me, staring at Aussie. I smile.

"New Zealand wants to see the sheep, can you show us where they are?" Ukraine asks Kaza.

"Of course, follow me." Kaza said motioning for us to follow. When walking past some of the pens, some smelled worse than others. It was like walking past a dumpster in the city, the whole city smells off but the garbage can produces the worst and strongest smell at the moment. Now imagine walking past that same garbage can every second in the city, not a pretty smell. The animal sounds were much different than the perfect "baa" and "moo" sounds you would read as a toddler; they were something I had to hear for myself to understand.

Once we reached the sheep pen, New Zealand was entranced by their fluffiness and went over to hug them, the sheep didn't seem to mind. New Zealand snuggled her face into the sheep's wool, smiling more than I've ever seen. 

For once I felt safe and relaxed. Everyone's happy, everything's perfect.....too perfect. Where's the catch, the bad part? Nothing is ever this happy or perfect. A cold breeze slowly blows through the strands of my raccoon hat and the laughter of everyone around me is muffled. All I could hear was my breathing and heart beat. Why did the happiness of my siblings make me so happy? I wanted this, this happiness, to stay. But I knew it wouldn't, we had to keep searching, keep looking for the happiness we deserve; we couldn't stay. But I look back at New Zealand's smiling face and Aussie laughing; made me feel lighter, as if i could float off to space and dance with the stars. It was as if some stress flew out of my body, making the weight on my shoulders  loosen. Curling my lips into a smile didn't seem as heavy also. This, this must be what peace feels like.

I jolt back into reality as Ukraine stares at me curiously. I blink twice trying to focus and Ukraine giggles, bringing attention onto us. I smile awkwardly before joining in on the laughter. 

Russia's p.o.v

That boy, Ame, sure seems to be interested in movies, but I'd wish he wouldn't as so many questions during it. If felt nice to have the comfort of someone else though. He was jumping around and giggling like a 3 year old, I guess he can't relax for even a second. I turned the T.V. off when the movie was over, he turned to smile at me. Ame started talking about his theory on the movie, like a movie geek commenting on it in the box office. He sounded so passionate about it. And somehow the conversation turned to Ame telling me stories, real or fake; but even the real ones sounded very exaggerated. He was a good talker though, running his mouth constantly, and I was a good listener like always. I always listen and take into account about what other people are talking about, so during the time he was blabbering on I didn't say a word. I'm not an outgoing person and prefer not to talk usually.

"So uh people at school suck, I hate them. There's this one dude who's my friend's, friend's twin brother; ya' get me. Well anyway he's a huge jerk he's always like "Ewww look it's Ame the capitalist pig!" or "He's so dumb, I bet he doesn't even know the whole alphabet!". So I punched him in the face." Ame told me, in a way that made it seem more interesting than it actually was. "But I bet you don't have to deal with anything like that."

"Excuse me?" I say a bit offended.

"Come on, I mean your big and strong. Who would try to pick on you!" He laughed.

"You know nothing about me and my life." I growl and get up. "And actually I get picked on a lot for the way I look!" 

"You have no idea what I'd give to be as strong and big as you." He narrowed his eyes.

"Stop lying, why would anyone want to look like me." I reply dully.

"So I could actually stand up to my father." He replied staring at me, his eyes fuming with fury while the rest of his body looked relaxed. I sighed and sat back down next to him, he flinched a little when I collapsed on the seat next to him.

"Mhm, well you wouldn't want my life, that's for sure. I remember walking down the halls of school with kids talking about me behind my back and laughing at me. People called me a monster and insane. I was always alone, nobody liked me. Apparently some rumor spread that that I'm a big rude country that's very cold and hurts people; and normal, weaker people avoided me out of fear while others made fun of my loneliness. Everyday I would open my locker and notes filled with insults would fly out, some people even found out what bad things my father has done in the past and have used it as an excuse to pick on me." I say speaking a bit more then I intended. Ame just stared at me, I must of made the conversation awkward. I should of never opened my mouth...

 I should of never opened my mouth

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

(Ewww old art)

"Well I don't hate you, I don't think your insane." Ame simply said.

I stopped to stare at him, nobody has ever said something that nice to me, it felt...nice and warm. I had a fuzzy feeling that someone other than my family actually cares about me. I wasn't but one to express much emotion but a smile crept on my face. I go to school everyday where strangers insult me but a stranger comes into my house and actually says something nice. It was different but a good type of different. 

"Thank you." I softly say.

"Uh no problem?" He replied a bit confused but still smiled.


Hey! Sorry for the short chapter, but I'm really tired. It's been eh a complicated week to say the least. But anyway thanks for reading this chapter and I hope you enjoyed. P.s. Thanks for 2.8K reads, w o a h. Have a great day or night!

Word Count: 1270

Escaped | Countryhumans Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें