Chapter 18

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Canada's p.o.v

After everyone was done being outside we all walked back inside the house.

"Huh, I wonder where Ame is?" I say to no one specifically.

"I have a guess." Ukraine replied.

"Me too." Kaza also replied leading us somewhere, Aussie right next to him talking.

We walk out into the living room and see Ame sitting on the couch next to a tall boy, about my age but taller; which was weird since I am super tall for my age. Ame turned to wave at us with a goofy smile and the boy turned to look at us also.

"Yeah I knew it, he was with Russ." Ukraine smiled a bit.

"Russia was showing me what a movie is, you should totally watch one 'Nada!" Ame smiled happily.

"Oh that's cool." I reply look at Russia. I mouthed, 'Thanks for keeping my brother busy' but I don't know if he saw or understood it all, because he didn't do anything in response.

Mr. Soviet came down the stairs zipping up his jacket.

"Do you kids want to go to plaza to get dinner?" He asks and Kaza, Ukraine, and Belarus all shout 'yes!' in a unison. He chuckles.

"Okay let's get going then." He smiled spinning his keys around his finger.

I grab my siblings hands and make sure they all follow Mr. Soviet out to his car, which was huge and looked like it could hold 20 people. Mr. Soviet opened the car door and Ukraine and his siblings climbed inside. Dad never let us in his car, saying he didn't want to get it dirty and if we missed the bus that we would have to walk to school. Ame sits next to Aussie which sits next to Kaza. I sit in between Ukraine and Russia. And Belarus and New Zealand both some what sit next to each other in booster seats. I helped New Zealand buckle in and Kaza helps Aussie who helps Ame. I finally buckled myself in with a click after watching how Ukraine did it.

"Are we all ready?" Mr. Soviet asks and we all shout 'yes!' making him insert the key into the car and start to drive. If I wasn't in the middle I'd look out the window but instead I stared at the windshield in frount of me. 

"So you see how we turned right, if you turned left instead and went North until you see signs the turn West you'll get to a large city and even more North from that is a small town." Mr. Soviet informs me and I nod. "Just a understanding of around here." He smiles friendly.

The car ride didn't take too long, about 30 minutes. Mr. Soviet opened the doors and we all hopped out. I looked around the plaza, it had shops all around the place, with beautiful lights that lit up the sidewalks that led to the shops. 

"I'm feeling Italian food, how about you guys?" Mr. Soviet asked, everyone mostly shrugging their shoulders. "Okay sounds like a yes to me, let's go." He said making sure we all followed. We got some weird stares from people walking by seeing a man with 8 children following him, I laughed thinking that they thought that we were all his children. Opening the door a little bell rang and we stepped inside. You could smell the fresh bread and pasta, just the smell of it could make your mouth water.

"Ciao! (Hello!) Welcome to Italy's Pasta Place!" Someone greeted us with a warm smile.

"Ah Italy, nice to see you again." Mr. Soviet said grinning to Italy who returned a soft smile.

"Nice to see you too, Soviet. Looks like you brought more." Italy said smiling and crouching down to New Zealand's height.

"Yes...those are Ukraine's friends." Mr. Soviet responded.

"Well nice to meet you, so will that be a table for 9?" Italy said, standing back up.

Soviet said yes and Italy nodded. "Okay please follow me." He politely said as we followed him to a table.

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