Chapter 13 - Will

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Chapter 13 – Will

    I cracked my knuckles thoughtfully as I stared at the row of dress suits in front of me. I was at the mall with Analise and Drew, looking for the suit I'd wear to homecoming. It was in less than a week - the day before the play - and everything I owned was either too dressy, or not dressy enough.

I ran my hands along the silky fabric as Drew ruffled through things at the other end of the store. I picked one out that was very professional looking. I held it up to me, looking in the floor length mirror. Analise scoffed out a laugh, shaking her head at me.

"What?" I defended, putting the suit down on the leather chair next to me. "It's nice."

"It's formal," Analise scrunched up her nose in an adorable way. "Too formal. It's homecoming, not your wedding."

I felt my cheeks flush at the mention of a wedding and shook my head. "I'm just trying to look nice."

"She already likes you, Rando, no need to try to impress."

That confused me and my eyes snapped to Analise's quickly. "What do you mean? We're going as friends."

"Friends?" Analise repeated. I nodded. She snorted. "Might wanna make sure Mallory knows that."

"She does," I said surely. There was no way Mallory was interested in me, we hardly ever talked and we had never hung out outside of school.

Analise nodded thoughtfully before chastising her brother. "Drew, stop smelling the suits!"

"They smell like designer!" Drew defended himself, peeking over the rows of suits with a sheepish smile. I chuckled at that and Analise laughed. "Stop laughing at me!"

I shrugged. "I'll buy you one if you want one?"

"Yeah right," Analise said whilst shifting through her rack with distaste. "These cost more than half our belongings."

"Way to make us sound poor, Lise."

"Yeah, Annie."

"Annie?" Analise questioned me. I nodded. "Don't call me that."

"Why not? Everyone calls you Ana. I don't want to be like everyone else."

Drew was 'aww'ing from behind his rack of suits making me roll my eyes. I just wanted my own nickname for Analise, and Drew took Lise, and everyone called her Ana. I'd call her beautiful, but I'm sure she wouldn't appreciate the sentiment.

We continued suit searching until we decided this wasn't the right place and left without buying anything. I went into the next store, and my eyes were instantly drawn to an outfit consisting of khakis, a dark blue button up, and a light blue tie. It looked pretty cool to me, but my mind instantly told me I wouldn't pull it off very well. Analise was quick as a whip, though, and snatched it up before I could give myself a second thought. "Try this on."

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