Ikuzono - Failed(?) Valentine's Day

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"Sayaka, I am so sorry but I can't spend Valentine's Day with you." Sayaka felt her heart drop, and she immediately felt tears swell in her eyes.

"B-but Makoto!" She stammered out, grabbing his shoulder. Naegi guiltily looked away from his girlfriend's face, staring down at the floor. Sayaka was still dressed in her pajamas, while Naegi was wearing a full suit. 

"I'm sorry. There's been trouble with the remnants, and I have to go overseas at once."

"The- the remnants? Oh, okay. I guess that makes sense." The girl said wistfully, obviously still upset.

"I promise I'll get back as soon as possible!" Naegi said, taking her hand and squeezing it with a smile. He quickly walked to the door and left silently, locking the door behind him. Sayaka sighed and flopped down onto the couch, staring up at the ceiling.

Makoto and Sayaka's relationship had been rocky for a while- especially since Makoto was always gone for Future Foundation things. Before she even knew what she was feeling, Sayaka suddenly burst into tears. She felt so, so lonely, like she was trapped in a void and didn't know what to do.

She decided that she had to talk to someone, anyone who would listen. Sayaka stumbled over to the home phone through a blur of tears and typed the first number that came to mind.

"Ah... hello?" It was Mukuro's voice, surprising Sayaka. She hadn't even realized the number she had just typed in. There was sounds of gunshots in the background, and what sounded like a sword slashing through bodies.

"Mukuro! Sorry I called you, I didn't know you were busy..." Sayaka sniffed quietly, hoping to not let the girl on the other side of the phone know she was upset.

"I'm not busy. Just taking care of some remnants." There was a final slashing of a sword, and all the background noise stopped. "What's up."

"Oh, nothing! I was just wondering if you wanted to... hang out for a while?" Sayaka asked. If she couldn't be with Makoto, she figured she might as well hang out with her stoic friend. All of her other friends probably had dates anyways.

"Isn't it Valentine's Day? Aren't you supposed to do... romantic stuff?" Mukuro asked hesitantly.

"Pfff, forget about romance! Come on, let's meet at the garden of hope's peak!"

"Okay." Mukuro said briskly, then hanging up.

Sayaka's smile faded. It was obvious Mukuro didn't want to hang out, plus she still felt sad about Makoto.

Oh well, she thought, and got dressed in a blue slip on dress and a bulletproof vest. She also grabbed her pink purse and her AK-47. Sayaka left the hotel room she had been living at with Makoto, and ran down the stairs, gripping the large gun she used for self defense in this crazy world. She kept her eyes on the ground to avoid seeing the carnage around her and walked for about 10 minutes, and then went to the fifth level of Hope's Peak Academy.

To her surprise, the black haired girl was already there. Her freckles showed brightly in the light, and her black hair seemed to curl around her ears. She was wearing a dark red dress that showed off her lithe, pale body. She looked... beautiful. Sayaka suddenly felt heat rising to her cheeks, and brushed that thought away quickly.

Sayaka noticed Mukuro was sitting on a blanket with sandwiches and orange juice set out. "Mukuro... you did all this for me?"

She blushed and started fidgeting with her dress. "You sounded upset over the phone..."

Sayaka sat down next to her and have her a smile. "You aren't very experienced with all this 'friend' stuff, huh?" 

"How did you know?" Mukuro chuckled.

"Cuz I'm psychic!" The ultimate soldier's eyes widened and her mouth opened slightly.

"Just kidding, haha. But seriously, thank you Mukuro! I feel so much better..." Sayaka stuck out her tongue at Mukuro, who softly smiled.

"So tell me about your day!" Sayaka said, taking one of the sandwiches Mukuro had made. She watched her talk about her day, about how she saved people, and watched her eyes slowly light up the more she talked.

That's when Sayaka realized she would much rather be here, with Mukuro, than anyone else. 'I guess I have some talking to do with Naegi,' Sayaka thought, as she watched her soon to be girlfriend pantomime a window rescue of a baby. 

'And something even better to talk about with Mukuro.'

AN: This is my first time writing  a one shot! I hope it's okay, and I know like no one ships Ikuzono but personally I think it's adorable. Request ships and prompts down below :)

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