chapter 2

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Yeonjun's pov.

Am not gonna lie I think she's kinda cute..ugh..stop that.

"Hi!as you know am Hwang Yeji,you can call me Yeji for short",she smiled and waved at me,"Amm,,h-hi you can call me Y-Yeonjun",i stuttered

Why am i like thatt...goshh...shes just one of those girl out there...calm down.

Yeji's pov.

Most of the time they sent death glare at me.


The class was finally over and it was quite boring.

While I was walking towards the cafeteria I accidentally bumped on someone and fell down on the floor.

"Are you okay",a girly voice asked,I look up to see who it was, it was a girl with a lovely short hair and she's dam cool.

"Yeah,am okay",I responded.

"Lemme help you stand up", she held my hand and help me stood up.

"Thank you,by the way what is your
name",I asked her.

"Shin Ryujin,you can call me Ryujin,then yours",I hope we could be friends.

"Hwang Yeji,call me Yeji",she nodded.

"Mind joining us",she asked and I shooked my head immediately.

We went and line up for the food.


We search for a place to sit and there was one big table left to sit,we went toward that and sat down and placed our tray on the table.

"By the way,my friends are also coming",Ryujin said.Who her friend?

Yeonjun's pov.

I went out of the class and met txt,we went toward the cafeteria.

I saw Yeji sitting with Ryujin,are they best friends or new friends, it would be my luck.

"Ryujin-a",Soobin shouted and both of them face our side.We went toward them and I sat beside Yeji,why not.


Yeji's pov.

"Are they your friends?",I whispered to Ryujin.
"Yeah and my boyfriend Soobin",she said munching her food.

"Ryujin-a, who is your new friend",The tall guy said.

"She's Yeji,she got transferred just today",they all nodded.

"Hi!noona! Am the youngest you can call me kai",the one with hoody said.Then they all told me their names except for Yeonjun.
"Yeonjun are you not going to introduce yourself ?",Soobin asked.

"Its okay, he's my seatmate,I already knew him",I said and they all nodded.

(Idk if those tense are correct)


Class end.


Am..english is not my first language and my grammer supper bad.I'll try my best next time.

C.Y And H.Y // I'll Always Protect UWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt