chapter 18

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"oh yeah, let me just interrupt.Yeji u don't need to worry ,your injuries are not much",Taehyun appeared of nowhere and said.

"Tell me all the details,am really lost right now",I said as I looked into Yeonjun's eyes.

"Oh Yeji you're awake",the others came in including Daehwi.

"Can't u guys explained what actually is happening",I said as they sat down.

"Let me introduce ,right from where.Am the hacker, expert in computers",Kai said.what the hell.

"And me am good in repairing all kinds of motors and also guns",Beomgyu became all so dramatic, can't believe they are a gang.Geeze.

"And I love science and I also manage medical site",Tae continued.

"Me aaa I collect all the information and do the investigation",
"And Ryujin just do what ever we told her just for u to know",Soobin said.

"Lastly me as am the leader I maintain the group and as...",Yeonjun stopped thinking what to say.

"Oh he's good at all stuff,the reason why he's the leader",
"And also we are good at shooting, fighting and driving as well",Kai said jumping around probably being proud of himself.

And soon this Kai will be my brother  ;)

"So u highschool kids are actually a group of gang??",

"Good one",Kai said interrupting me.

"Wat ever.btw Daehwi wats up,are u okay??",I asked as I looked at him who was nervously standing.

"I was just so worried about u,and this people shooting and killing people just aa.. make me amm scared",he said stuttering a bit.

"Geese,that was way too easy u really don't need to be scared and don't feel uncomfortable",Beomgyu comforted

"Yeah, at first it was hard though,we don't even want to kill a person,but now u see wat",Soobin said and side hug Ryujin.

"Can we have dinner or wat ever am starving",Beomgyu said to light up the mood.

"Oh yeah,me and Daehwi made dinner,not to joke he was really good",Ryujin teased Daehwi and slightly punch him in the arm to make him feel comfortable around.

"Yeji let me help u stand up", Yeonjun hold my hands and help me to stand.

We all entered the dining room, it was big and there was a long table.
We settled down on our seat,I sat on the middle of Yeonjun and Ryujin.

"Okay please don't take my bread",Soobin was scolding this little Kai who playfully run around with a handful of bread.

They look so happy.

"Yeonjun,any news from my parents are they worried",I totally forget about my family so I asked Yeonjun.

"That one I told them not to worry about you and that you having sleep over at Ryujin's place",Kai said shouting from the back still chased by Soobin.

"Thank u",I said shouting back.

"We think u should sleep with Ryujin so, do u agree",Yeonjun asked.

"Ofc, wit ma bestie everythings alright",I said happily.


"Yeji if you have finished  eating let's go change your dress",Ryujin said offering me her hand.

"We are not gonna wash??",I asked since we're the only girls here.

"Not really, leave it to the boys",She said signaling Soobin and Yeonjun to do.

We went up the steps and soon reached a room.

Ryujin opened the door revealing our room,guess so.

It was mostly decorate with purple and white colour(ma fav😂).And there's two bed with the other one full of teddybears while the other was mostly full of toy's thingy.

"Which one is mine?",I looked at Ryujin asking her.

"Oh yeah!You told me u like teddy bears so-", Ryujin said as she cleaned her bed which was full of toy's.

"Oh yeah I do love them,thank you",

After washing up we went to the bed to sleep and switched off the lights.

"Good night",



And happy Daehwi's day

My goddess so many readers thank you sooo much.

And I upload little by little Bec as I told u am busy so busy

C.Y And H.Y // I'll Always Protect UOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora