chapter 28

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At the resort.

Yeji's pov.

The maids help us carry our luggage inside and we started splitting into our rooms.Other than the one who share rooms with their couples stay together like Jinnie,Kai,Tae and Beom.

Yeonjun and I went inside our room and started unpacking our things.

There's one king sized bed I'll need to share with Yeonjun plus this not the first time so no worries.

"So who gonna take shower first",Yeonjun asked getting ready to take bath.

"Am faster so why not me",I said rushing to the bathroom and locked the door.

After taking bath I changed myself to black shorts and white t-shirt.

I went out the bathroom to see a half naked Yeonjun standing near the door.

I just rolled my eyes and pushed him inside the bathroom.

To be honest he had a great body, oviously his the leader of a gang.

I should actually ask him to teach me self defense, I really need them.

I dried my hair and put on some light make up.

I waited for Yeonjun to come out from the bathroom.

After a few minutes he finally came out
wearing white t-shirt and black pants.

"Your taking my style",I protest.

"Aren't couples allow to wear same dress"he asked letting me sit on his lap.

I wrap my legs around his waist and play with his hair while he was holding me on my waist.

We locked eyes and slowly learning in.
His plumpy lip met mine,it was a passionate kiss.

[A/n:am innocent]

Soon I backed off.

"Others are waiting for us, let's go down",


At the theme park.

"Guys lets do rock paper scissors and decide our house", Ryujin said and everyone gathered and stand in circle.

"The first house is Ravenclaw and the members will be the first three people who lost the game", Yeonjun said the rules.

"Rock, Paper, Scissor",we all said in unison.

"Taehyun,Daehwi and Somi house is Ravenclaw", Kai said and three of them cheered and jumped around.

"The only problem is that am gonna be third wheeling", Taehyun said pointing at the couple and everyone bursted out laughing.

"Next house is Slytherin with the same rules",said Soobin.

"Rock, Paper, Scissor",we shouted again.

"Aee with my beloved brother and boyfriend",I said pulling the both of them

"So I also end up third wheeling huh", Hyunjin whined,I ruffled his hair.

"This time two,two",said Somi.

"Rock,Paper, Scissor",the four of them shout together.

"Hohooooo", everyone teased Soobin.

Beomgyu and Ryujin end up together being Gryffindor house and Soobin and Kai Hufflepuff house.

"Since Soobin is not with Ryujin he must be really sad",Daehwi said teasing Soobin, everyone 'oee~~'.

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