chapter 21

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At home.

Somi planned to sleep with me since she miss her buddies.

Siblings lil reunion.

We planned

We sat on the couch, with a table full of eatables.Our parents went out to do some works so we are totally free.


"Hey guys am not gonna lie okay, though we just met today I think I like Daehwi",Somi said not wanting any eye contact.

"Hahahhahahaha",Hyunjin laughed and I hit him on his arm.

"Somi that's great,u ar lucky he'll never make u cry.I know him so well",I said patting her back.


"Nuna,u don't need to lie with me I knew everything about Jungkook hyung, bts right their gang name",Hyunjin said and my jaw dropped,I was so shocked

Somi was lost.

How could he know, I asked myself blankly.


"I saw a paper on his desk and it was their profile and some other things, that's when I found out they are apart of a gang", Hyunjin stated.

"What all are u talking about Jungkook oppa a gang wait what??",Somi whispered shout, it will be something really hard to understand her brother is a gang.

"As u can see",I said calming her down.

"What else do u know Hyunjin",I asked a little serious,wat if he knew Yeonjun was also from a gang.

"Yeonjun and every one else are also a gang right, don't worry I won't tell anyone,I know it's a secret"Hyunjin said.

I sighed loudly

"Somi u know everything we say is secret, if u tell anyone know that your in danger",I told Somi and she nodded slightly, she never thought that something like that will happen to her.

"But anyway they only fight for good",Hyunjin continued.

"That's a relief",Somi sighed loudly.

"Now let's forget about that and have fun",we all agreed and the night go one like that.


We got ready to go out for the practiced.

After a few minutes we finally reached the mention.

When we went inside we were greeted by the others.

The boys did the bro hug and we have some girls time.

We entered the practicing room and everyone started to work.

Beomgyu and Kai were practicing the music which Daehwi told them to learn.

Daehwi handed a sheet of paper to everyone and mark line which we need to learn.

The lyrics was nicely written and it makes  me really happy and it is clear that it was from his heart.

We start practicing and have a break after a long practice.Everyone was really good and what got be shock was that,how a gang of boys could be this talented.yoyo.

We went down the kitchen to prepared some food for lunch.

Hyunjin,Kai,Taehyung and Beomgyu were just playing video games, not surprised they are the younger ones.

While the other cook.

But Yeonjun went missing.


I got message from Yeonjun and I checked to see what his sending.

Yeonjun:Yeji come up in my room, u know where's my room right:).


I shut my phone and secretly went up the stairs.

I peep in the room and nocked on the door softly.

The door was opened revealing Yeonjun.


He pulled me inside the room and locked the door.

He put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer.
He looked me into the eyes and slowly moved down in my lips.I gasped.

He placed his plump lips on mine and the kiss was passionate, I put  both my hands on his face and he hold my waist tighter.

We stopped and breath.He start kissing me on the neck leaving hickeys.

His perfection and everything make me really love him even more.

[They aren't doing any legal things]

He softly moved me in the bed and that's when the beautiful moment was destroyed


"It's time to eat",I could tell it's Kai's voice and also Hyunjin laughing hard outside the door.Having brother is some time trouble some.

I could see Yeonjun face hard to read.

"Let's go eat",Yeonjun hold my waist and lead me down stair.

As soon as we reached for our seat all their eyes were on us. I gave the 'what?' looked and they started fake coughing and a teasing sound could be heard.

"Better use protection",Soobin smirked.

"What??",I whispered scream at him.


"Eat",Yeonjun placed the food on my flate and I started eating.

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