chapter 8

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I dived into the swimming pool as fast as I could and I hugged her tightly and pulled her out of the pool.

My eyes were all teary and I shouted,saying 'help me' but the celebration was going on and the music was too loud that nobody could hear me.

I gave her CPR and did all the necessary things, that means our first kiss just happened without her realizing it.

After a few minutes she finally cought and water came out from her mouth. I pat her back gently.

"Yeji don't ever make me that worry again",I pulled her near and hugged her tightly as if there's no tomorrow.

"I dont wanna lose u", I whispered in her ears. I could feel her shivering and her heart beat was fast,she seems really scared.

So I took my blazer which was laying on the floor and I covered her shoulder.

Then I hold her and walked her to the rest room.

~Time skipped~

Yeji's pov.

I feel safe when am with him,he's always there to safe me and now he saved my life.

I think I like him alot,those feelings never came when am with other boys.


I changed my dress and wore the dress which the staff gave me.

When I was about to went out someone 'knocked' the door.
I opened the door and see who it was.
Its Lia the fake girl.(sry Lia stand🙏🏻)

"You think you could take away Yeonjun oppa, he saved your life!! but next time he won't.Get ready",she pushed my shoulder with her finger tip and smirked.

"So your the looser who pushed me down on the swimming pool",I raised my voice with an angry tone.

"Of course",she smirked and went out of the room.

What if Yeonjun chooses her instead of me,what if Yeonjun already like her, everything is what if ,my mind is only thinking about Yeonjun now,what to do.


I went back to the hall to meet Yeonjun.

He was sitting and looking around as if he was searching for someone butt whats that Lia was sitting with him again, instead of going there I went and sat near Ryujin plus there was no one with her.

"What's up girl are you fine,you look ill", she put her hand against my forehead and test whether am sick or not.

"Am fine but am hurt inside",then I told her everything about lia and even told her that I like Yeonjun.

"Im so sorry, I wasn't there to help you, btw Lia will regret soon for doing such thing to my dear friend", Ryujin pat my hair gently


Please dont get me wrong,its not that I hate Lia okay!! Just wanna inform you guys.And love ya'll.

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