Adorable Wild

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As the petite male was sleeping almost too cozy and cute to even look at. His sweeter almost falling off his shoulder for how big it was. Well when I say 'his' sweeter I actually mean Twilight's sweeter. Wild's knees hugged to his chest under the green sweeter, the sweeter too big to even see Wild's shorts. He well looked cute. Cuddled in his blankets with the sweeter on.

However Twilight didn't even know Wild was sleeping also he didn't know he was sleeping with his sweeter. As Twilight knocked on Wild's door.


Twilight knew he shouldn't go in without Permission to. But he didn't hear anything so he was worried. As Twilight opened the door. He looked at the much smaller boy cuddling into the sheets. His pillow nudging into his cheek. Twilight felt his face warm up by looking at his sweeter. Twilight had to wake up Wild for food. But I don't even think he could because of this picture. Wild looked to peaceful to wake up. Twilight looked at him in a closer view. He tried poking him, didn't work. Tried to poke his face, didn't work. Tried calling his name, didn't work. He groaned. And fell on his knees he couldn't do it, he couldn't handle waking the adorable boy up. He rested his head on his hand his other going to the side of him but it hit Wild's nightstand. Causing a object to fall.

Twilight could hear Wild moan. (NO NOT LIKE THAT SICKOS) Twilight popped his head up. Looking straight into bright blue eyes. He backed away. Seeing Wild still looking at him the sweeter now falling off his shoulder. Twilight blushed more. Wild's eyes took him up and down trying to piece it together. "I swear I wasn't peeping!" Twilight said putting his hands up. Wild looked even more confused. Damn it made him look more cuter if that could even be done by this point. Twilight looked as the sleepy boy wiped his eyes awake also yawning. "You know if you're still sleepy you can stay sleeping." Twilight said trying to reason with him. "No i'm fine" Wild said getting out of bed...

"Ahh" Wild yelped before he felled.

"Hey you guys okay?" Time asked as he walked into the room. He felt his face flushed with red. As he saw, Wild on top of Twilight in what looks like nothing but Twilight's sweeter not only that but he could see their blushing faces. As Time put his hands up and closed the door and walked out. "DON'T WORRY GUYS THEY ARE JUST FUCKING!" They both heard.


"Get off."

Lol how did you guys like this chapter? I made sure to make Wild more cute~ 

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