Disappearing Roses

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(Takes place after the events of series four of Sherlock and sometime in series one of Doctor Who. Just pick a time, it doesn't really matter.)

Rosamund Watson waved goodbye to her father as she was pulled along by her Dad.

"Bye, Dad!" she called. Her father looked up from his conversation with the policeman, Uncle Lestrade, and waved bye as well.

John sighed. He had given up telling his daughter that Sherlock wasn't his husband, at least not yet, but whenever she saw a picture of Mary (John tried to ignore the clench of his heart) she called her 'Mummy', so he gave up. As long as Rosamund knew who Mary was, he didn't care much of anything else.

Who knows, maybe Sherlock would eventually become Rosamund's father, Mrs. Hudson certainly was pushing it.

"Dad, can we get ice cream?" Rosamund asked, pulling on John's sleeve. He looked down at her, and saw her pointing to an ice cream vendor.

"Sorry, Rosa," John sighed. "Not today, alright?"

Rosamund looked crestfallen. "Please?"

John groaned. "Rosa..."

"I won't be too fill for supper,  I promise!" Rosa whined.

John caved, sighing. "Alright, Rosa. But you better eat whatever supper we prepare for you."

Rosa beamed, which almost made it alright. John rolled his eyes, and got out his wallet. "Come on, Rosa."

Cheering, Rosa followed her Dad to the vendor, who lit up as them approached.

"Hello!" he greeted pleasantly. "Nice day, isn't it?"

John nodded his agreement as Rosa looked picked out an ice cream. The two men fell into conversation as Rosa looked.

"Yeah, I guess," John shrugged. "Bit boring, though."

"Ah," the man replied, an odd twinkle in his eyes. "Don't worry, sir, I'm sure that will change very soon."

John blinked, a bit suspicious. "How so?"

The vendor shrugged. "That's up to time, I suppose. I just know that no day can stay completely boring."

"Huh," John replied. He felt a slight tugging on his legging and looked down to see Rosa pulling on his leg.

"Can I have the chocolate, please?" she asked.

"One chocolate, coming right up!" the vendor exclaimed. He opened his chart and scooped out some of the brown ice cream, putting it on a cone, and then handed it to Rosa. John reached for some change in his wallet, when suddenly-


John, Rosa and the vendor looked up. The vendor looked annoyed, while Rosa and John looked in surprise as a man in a black leather jacket, a purple shirt and short cropped hair came barreling toward them.

The vendor cursed, but when John turned toward him, he had disappeared. 

"What-?" John started, he turned to find Rosa, but she had also disappeared. "Rosa? Rosa?!"

The man stopped beside him, looking around as well.

"Got away again," he growled. John looked over to him in a panic. 

"Where is Rosa?" he asked urgently. "They just... disappeared."

The man nodded. "Yes, I realize that," the man groaned.

"Where'd they go?" John demanded. "Did that man kidnap my daughter?!"

"Yep," the man sighed. "It took my companion as well." He pulled out a long silver device and started waving it around in a confident manner. The end lit up in blue, and it emitted a buzzing sound. John stared at it.

"Doctor?" John asked. The man looked over to him.

"That's me, yes," he said, looking over to John. 

"You're back?" John gasped.

"I do seem to come to London quite a bit," the Doctor shrugged.

"Do you... remember me?" John asked.

"No," the Doctor answered shortly. "So, that means I haven't met you yet, and that means-."

He put away his sonic screwdriver, waving a finger. "No spoilers."

John blinked. "Fine. Do you know where they are."

"Still looking."

"...Maybe Sherlock can help," John offered.

The Doctor put his sonic screwdriver away. "Sherlock Holmes?"

"You know him?"

"I've heard of him," the Doctor replied. "Has he met me too?"

John nodded and the Doctor grinned.


The Doctor and Sherlock observed each other, and John, knowing the both of them, put his feelings of uncertainty aside. For a little while at least.

"You're... not as I pictured," the Doctor mentioned.

"Neither are you," Sherlock said back. "But I think that goes without saying."

The Doctor rolled his eyes, and opened his mouth, perhaps to say something witty back, but John didn't give him the chance.

"If it means anything to you two," John sighed. "We do have to find both our daughter, Sherlock, and your friend, Doctor."

"...Right, yes," the Doctor realized. "As far as I know, the ice cream vendor was a Cov Neen, which is an alien from the planet Yorg, in basically the next solar system over. They like to infiltrate big systems and then feed off the power."

"Cov Neen?" John repeated.


"Uh, yeah, I figured," John huffed

"And they're here because...?" Sherlock asked. "We might think Earth is big, but compared to the other systems we observed, we're pretty small."

"No, you're planets just small, in size and intelligent," the Doctor answered, sighing. "And they needed a pit stop for power."

"And they're using humans to get that power?" John asked. The Doctor nodded.

"The ice cream vendor must have been using teleporters in his ice cream sticks," the Doctor mused. "That's how your daughter disappeared. They took Rose in almost the same way, but before it was chips. They're targeting people using food. It's happening all over the world."

"All over the world!?" John repeated, sounding urgent. "How will we find Rosa then?!"

"I've narrowed their base to London," the Doctor replied. "We'll find them somewhere here."

"Just London?!" John scoffed.

"London's not as big as you think it is," the Doctor rolled his eyes. "Anyway, if these Cov Neen ARE here, they'd be in a place with lot's of power, that doesn't attract a lot of attention. It'd have to be big, too."

The Doctor looked over at his two newfound 'partners'. "Do you two know about a place like that?"

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