Chapter 14: Emberrasing secret

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There will be a lot of POV's changing in this one, but it's for the story! Try to keep up :)

Eret POV:
When I woke up I went straight for breakfast in the great hall. Mostly because I'm hungry... but also because I need advice.
I immediately spotted Hiccup when I had grabbed my food and I'm now sitting in front of him.

The rest of the hall was pretty empty, since it was quite early.
-Hi chief, I say when he doesn't notice my presence. He looks up at me, looking startled.
-Hi Eret! Good morning, he says and smiles at me.
-Yeah, good morning indeed, I say. Hiccup nods and continues to pay attention to his breakfast. I hesitate about what I'm going to ask.
-I was wondering... how does one know it's true love? I ask. Hiccup coughs a bit.
-What? He asks.
-I mean, when you like someone? How does one know when it's love or just platonic? I ask. Hiccup looks strangely at me.
-What're you....? He just asks, shaking his head in confusion. Then his eyes widen in realization and I feel myself blushing, just thinking about it.
-Ooooohhhhhhh...... Hiccup says slowly.
-So you... you feel, feel, um... You feel like you... maybe love... her? Hiccup stammers.
-Yeah... But I'm not sure, I mean, I've never been in love. You don't really get out and meet female dragon trappers often, I say and laugh sheepishly. Hiccup just looks at me and I cough  awkwardly.
-Sorry, that was inappropriate... I say and scratch my neck.
-You can't tell Snotlout about this... Hiccup says seriously.
-What? No! Why would I? I ask. Hiccup looks around before leaning over the table.
-Because I've seen the way your eyes sparkle when you look at her. You. Are. In. Love, Hiccup says and leans back, smiling amused at me.
-But I've never met someone like her! And, I don't wanna hurt her, because 1; it would kill me, and 2; her brother would kill me, I say. Hiccup nods.
-But that is something you need to ask yourself. Is she that important to you that you would risk getting killed by her brother? Hiccup asks. The question makes my mind spiral in thought, that I don't realize that hiccup has left and has been replaced by Y/N.

I see Hiccup leaving Eret alone at a table. He must've noticed my blush, because he nudged my shoulder and nodded towards where he had been sitting. I nod and take his old spot.
-Hi... I say to Eret, who looks spaced out. When he notices me he shakes it off and smiles.
-Good morning, he greets. I smile back.
-Did you sleep well? I ask and take a bite out of the sourdough bread with tuna.
-Yeah... well, no.... I slept ok, Eret finishes.
-Why? Is anything on your mind? I ask.

Eret POV:
"You are" I think to myself.
-No, just..... adjusting to this place is taking a lot of energy... I lie.

It's because of me... I'm draining him of energy... it's all my fault...
-Oh.... I say and we make eye contact.
-And you? He then asks.
-What? I ask confused.
-Did you sleep well? He asks and laughs lightly.
-Oh! Yeah... I mean, I was pretty tired after work yesterday.... I just wanted to sleep, I say and laugh awkwardly, continuing to munch on my sandwich.

Eret POV:
Oh no, I made her spend the evening with me instead of going to sleep... I'm a horrible.... friend....
-Yeah, didn't we all...? I ask.

There is a long, awkward, infuriating silence.
I finish my sandwich and continue to watch Eret as he only plays around with his stew.
He has nothing more to say to me... I'm a horrible person, and I've been a horrible friend to him...
At last I sigh and take my things and leave the hall.

Eret POV:
I watch from the corner of my eye as Y/N leaves. I sigh and groan in frustration as I hit my head onto the table. I hit it a couple of times, until I realize what headache it will bring and I stop, resting my forehead on the hard wooden surface.
Suddenly I feel someone else sitting in front of me.
-Hey Eret, what's up! It's Ruffnut. I look up and she smiles smugly at me.
-Hello Ruffnut... I was just.... I say looking around to think of an excuse.
-Not hungry... I say quickly.
-Alright, well, too bad, you're gonna sit with me and watch me eat then, she says as she takes a huge bite of her sandwich. I laugh airily.
We sit in silence...
-Hey Ruffnut, can I ask you something personal? I ask. She immediately perks up and swallows the food in her mouth. She nods frantically. I look around once again, not sure if I should tell her.
-I... like someone... But I'm not sure if it's just for the sake of it, or because I actually love them, I say.
-Oohhhhhh, Eret has a cruuuuuush! She giggles.
-Sssshhhh, please Ruffnut, I don't need the whole island to hear! I whisper.
-Well, tell me, what's the problem? She's too selfish? Too attractive? Too old? Too young? She asks and I shake my head.
-No... I just feel like a horrible friend to her. She deserves better than... me, I say.
-Well, I'll have you know that I'm a girl, which makes me and expert on girls! Ruffnut says. I shake my head. Ruffnut sighs.
-Ok, look, any girl on this island would be more than willing to date you. Why not her? She asks.
-.... Because she's done so much for me... helped me adjust to the island, taught me how to ride a dragon, became my first best friend... I say. Ruffnut's eyes widen in realization.
Shit... Too much info...
-Is this who I think it is? She asks. I shrug my shoulders.
-Are you crushing on Supernanny? My literal childhood hero? My life guide? She asks frantically. I shake my head.
-Ok, you lost me, I say. She quiets down.
-Are you crushing on Y/N Jorgensdottir, the woman of a thousand punishments? She asks. I blush and give up.
-Yeah... I whisper.
-Don't tell anyone, please, I beg as I put my forehead back onto the table.
-Don't tell anyone what? I hear Astrids voice ask. I look up with puppy eyes at Ruffnut.
-That, uh.... He's very embarrassed about his... allergies to, Eh, tree bark... Ruffnut says. I feel myself breathe in once again.
-Tree bark? Never heard of an allergy to that before, I hear Fishlegs say. I notice that almost the whole gang is sitting at the table.
-Yeah, What a stupid allergy, Snotlout laughs before Astrid hits him in his ribs.
-he's embarrassed, leave him alone, Astrid says as they continue to talk and eat breakfast.
That was a close one....

Eret, son of Eret x reader; Love always start in fight Where stories live. Discover now