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All I heard was the snoring of two grown men passed out from a night of drinking. I tried to wake up Aiden by repeatedly poking him, but it was no use. All I knew was that Charles said we had a cure, I had to come up with a plan to get it from Charles, that is if he's telling the truth he was drunk. Finally, I heard Charles start to get up, "Aiden get up everyone will be coming into the lab in about an hour." With that statement I knew it was almost eight in the morning since that was when the lab hours for the rest of my team members would begin. I could feel by the movement Aiden was moving and that he was starting to get up, "God, what time is it?" and that was followed with "How much did I drink?" Of course, Aiden would be dumb and not remember how much he would drink and forget what he was supposed to do.

Aiden tried to get my attention, but I pretended I was asleep. I was just so upset with him. Aiden let me rest and didn't bother me until we got back to his house. Aiden set me down a little roughly on the counter and I didn't bother saying anything to him. I walked towards the edge of the counter and sat down, letting my feet swing over the edge, and I tried to avoid glancing at Aiden so we didn't have to talk. "Last night was horrible." Aiden said while rubbing his forehead from what I guess is a killer hangover, and I hope he feels horrible. I still kept my silent treatment going and planned on not saying anything to Aiden. "What did I do wrong now, Alina?" I folded my arms, and just shook my head, "It's nothing, nothings wrong." I still avoided looking at Aiden, right now it's best I just remain silent and not start an argument with Aiden. I could almost feel the intense look that Aiden was probably giving me. I couldn't hold it in anymore, I tried to be nice and maybe it wasn't meant to be. "You were supposed to get Charles to trust you and that didn't mean that you had to get completely wasted! Last night he said that the reversal to shrinking was found, and now I don't know how we can get it from him." I was so frustrated that I was almost on the brink of tears. Then I head Charles voice  replaying the conversation from last night "spend more time with her was to make her think all the cures to reverse the shrinking were wrong, but when she found it I made her believe she was wrong and I hoped she would come to me."

"Honestly, Alina I think you owe me an apology." I glared at Aiden, he had listened to me about getting Charles drunk and now we finally knew that Charles was a devious man. "Fine, I'm sorry." I mumbled under my breath, Aiden lean his head closer down to the counter so that we were eye level. "Apology accepted, but now I think I come up with the plans, because now truthfully you're useless at the moment; but for now let me go and get rid of this hangover."

Finally Aiden came around from his hangover and I didn't see him much since he went to get go and get rid of his hangover, so when he came down the stairs and announced that phase two was in the works and this left me in the dark on what was about to happen, but one thing I noticed was he was dressed nicely like he was going out. "Now, Alina we're in phase two, I plan to slowly befriend Charles, tonight I set up a double date for us with some girls and hopefully I can persuade him to eventually to show me the cure so we don't have to wait while you work on it." I nodded my head it was a good plan, and I hated to admit it.

I was in Aidens pocket hidden away like always, I was never a social person, but I craved for some interaction with someone other than Aiden. All I knew was that Aiden was going to meet with Charles at a restaurant and he would set Charles with some poor girl. Charles soon arrived and I could feel that Aiden went in the universal man shake hug, "It's good to see you man." I could tell it was Charles that was speaking, I bet he had on his evil smirk. "I didn't think you wanted to hang out again after last night." Charles stated to Aiden and there was a slight moment of silence, "No, it's all good I actually thought you needed to find some new woman to like other then Alina, last night you seemed so down so I thought this would help make you happy."

Soon enough dinner started and two ladies were introduced to Charles and his new date was Sasha and her twin sister Stella was currently flirting with Aiden, and I was nauseated from hearing the making out between Aiden and Stella, it was not very ladylike of her act this way in front of other people. It seemed that Charles and Sasha were not having a very good time, anytime a conversation started it would slowly die out between them. The date seemed to end and the girls were walking to their car, and all that was left was Aiden and Charles. "You don't like Sasha do you?" Aiden asked, "No I don't when you love someone so much your heart won't let you move on." Charles stated, and just under his breath he mumbled "It will always be Alina."

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