He Compliments Her 4

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Susan and Ray

My shift just ended and now I'm in the break room opening my locker. I know that when I open it, another letter will be from my admirer. I hope he gives me another clue that will help me nail it.

I give the combination and my locker opens, but this time I catch the letter before it falls. 

I peel the sticker off and place it on my locker door with the others and open the envelope and unfold the letter. 

'Dear Susan, 

Another day another clue, 

Today's clue is, 

My compliments to you are of your sweet voice, 

The first time I heard it is when you were singing so softly along to that one song that was playing,

I believe it's called 'My Immortal' by Evanescence, 

You sounded like you were fit to sing that song,

Your voice sounds so sweet and soft and delicate, 

When I heard your singing it makes me inspired to write lyrics of my own,

And I hope that someday we'll sing my songs together,


Your 'Foxy' Admirer<3'

Reading the part where he heard me singing made me feel a little embarrassed. But I did feel flattered that he thought my voice sounded beautiful. 

So that one time I was singing along to that song was months ago when the store was playing it, so he must've been there, listening to me while I didn't notice him. And then at the end of the letter, he called himself the 'foxy' admirer. Either by foxy he's calling himself hot or it might mean that he is a fox. My thoughts lead me to that fox furry I kinda met when I was working in the rock n' roll aisle.

He could be my secret admirer. Half of the clues kind of point to him. But I won't know unless I wait for another letter, or hopefully find him in the store and confront him. But what if I was wrong? I don't wanna end up making a fool of myself in front of him if he's not my secret admirer. 

I guess I won't know unless I find out.

Coraline and Tobias  

I'm sitting at the beach, underneath a large umbrella, sketching a seashell that I found while my family are out seashell or rock hunting. The seashell I found is a dark aqua rainbow color and I thought it was beautiful.  

I finish my sketch of the seashell and am happy with the results.

"Hey, Coraline," I look up and see Toby walking up to me. 

I smile a little back at him and greet him back, "Hi Toby." 

Toby sits next to me underneath the umbrella. "What'cha sketching there?" He asks me looking at my sketch. 

"A seashell that I found on the beach earlier," I tell him and show him my sketch and the seashell I found. 

Toby's eyes brighten in fascination as they landed on the seashell. "Wow," he breathes out and takes the seashell from my hand, "this is a cool seashell."

"Isn't it?" I say and stare at the seashell too. 

Then his eyes shift to my sketch, "And your sketch is cool too." 

"You think so?" I ask him. 

"Yeah, you really caught the shine of the seashell on your sketch," he detailed, pointing at my sketch. 

I look at my sketch and see that I have sketched the shine of the seashell. And it was pretty good.

"Thank you," I say to him. 

Toby smiles warmly at me. It made me blush and I look back at my sketch, making Toby chuckle at my bashfulness. 

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