Chapter 20 : The Reverse Card

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Yuna's POV

"I'm coming back now. And I'm bringing a guest"

"A guest?"

"You'll see later"

"Should I tell the others you're coming back? I mean today is already the second day and Jiwon is panicking"

"No, don't tell them. I'll turn up, don't worry"

"Okay, see you"

"Okay bye Hyunjin"

After that conversation me and Jongwoo had, he released me and allowed me to collect my stuff. Seulgi was also released and I sent her back with one of my guards, and she arrived safely back at the dorm without anyone noticing she was gone in the first place. Since he is also in this 'mafia community' he knows what he has to pack and bring along for the mission. I'm currently following him into his armory room that he somehow has in his own house. On the outside, it just looks like a normal house that a normal citizen would have. In the inside however, it had a modern technology look and system installed. It was basically every mafia's goal to have a residence like this. But I'm not surprised, I'm pretty sure I have more stuff at my house, anyway.

Jongwoo had lead me through a hallway which ended with a plain wall. He placed his hand on one small section of the wall, and it had split open revealing a brightly lit room with weapons situated on hooks, jutting out from the wall.

"Wow, you weren't kidding when you said you had everything"

"Are you surprised?"

"No, not really. All of this is basically an everyday thing for me"

"Right. Take anything you want. I'll be able to replace them after"

"Who's your source for all this?" I ask as I slot in a magazine for a pistol.

"I don't have one. I steal from Kai time to time"

"I thought you hate each other"

"We do. More of a reason for me to steal from him. Not it matters anyway. Just by a phone call, he could get the best weapons in his hands, just like that"

"The weapon whether good or not, doesn't matter. If the user is a selfish, idiotic and clueless ass, the weapon wouldn't do justice"

"Wise words. Wish I would have met you earlier"

"Okay, hold on to that thought. We still have a mission to do"

"What? We can't be friends after?"

"We'll see. Come on, let's go. We might be late if we keep talking"

He just groaned and followed me outside, not forgetting to close off the entrance to the room and also to lock his house. He started to walk towards his car.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Opening my car door? What does it look like I'm doing?"

"No, you are not taking that car. Ride your bike"

"I don't have one"

"I saw one on the way in through the garage's door. Don't try and lie to me"

"How the hell did you spot that?"

"I am a trained professional remember? And why are you hesitant? You scared to ride a bike?"

"What?! No. I am perfectly capable"

"Race you there then. Last one to reach there treats the winner beer for tonight"

"I don't even know where your headquarters are"

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