Chapter 4: The Wishes

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After searching for a while Nappa and myself found a destroyed village.

Y/n: "What happened here? It looks like they were attacked."

Nappa walks out of a building in the center of the village.

Nappa: "Well the dragon ball was here. There's a pedestal in there that looks like where they would have the dragon ball."

Y/n: "But who else could be looking for the dragon balls?"

Me and Nappa share a look.

Both: "Vegeta."

Nappa: "If he's here looking for the dragon balls, none of the Namekians stand a chance. We need to find him and fast."

Y/n: "I agree. Theres no telling how much damage he'll do."

We suddenly feel a huge spike of energy.

Nappa: "That has to be Vegeta, let's hurry."

I nod and we both fly off towards the energy. When we get there we see a village of Namekians being killed by three aliens. I can feel Nappa get tense.

Y/n: "Nappa, what's wrong?"

Nappa: "Damn. It had to be them. Okay, so these guys are bad news. The pink one is Dodoria and the greenish one is Zarbon, lord Frieza's personal aids. We could probably take them down, but the one in the middle. Is lord Frieza himself, we dont stand a chance against him we need to steer clear of him at all costs."

I take Nappa's words to heart, but then I see a young Namekian about to be blasted by Dodoria. So I quickly shoot a ki blast in front of the three creating a smoke screen while I grab the Namekian kid. After grabbing him, me and Nappa high tail it out of dodge back to Bulma.

???: "Thank you for saving me, but who are?"

Y/n: "My name is y/n and that's my friend Nappa. What's your name?"

Dende: "Dende."

Y/n: "Well it's very nice to meet you Dende." *smiles*

We finally make it back to Bulma after flying none stop.

Bulma: "Hi guys. Oh and who's this little guy."

Nappa: "This is Dende. His village was attacked so we are keeping him here for safety."

Y/n: "Nappa I suggest we train some more. If Frieza is as strong as you say then we're going to need every ounce of strength we have to stand a chance."

Nappa nods in agreement.

Dende: "If you want to get stronger then you should go see Grand Elder Guru, he can help."

Nappa: "That sounds great, can you take us there?!"

Dende nods with a smile.

I pick up Dende and we head off towards the Grand Elder Guru's place. I can hear Bulma yell as we leave.

Bulma(in the distance): "OH SURE, JUST LEAVE ME ALONE AGAIN WHY DON'T YOU!?!?!"

The flight is mostly silent until Dende speaks up.

Dende: "So why are you here in the first place?"

Y/n: "We're here to use the dragon balls to revive one of our friends."

Dende: "Oh, then you'll need me to make the wishes."

Nappa: "How come?"

Dende: "Because the only way to summon Porunga and makes the wishes is to speak Namekian."

Y/n: "Wait wishes, as in more than one?"

Dende:"Yes, our dragon grants three wishes."

Nappa:"That's incredible!"

Later we finally arrive at Guru's place and are met with a Namekian called Nail. At first he stops us but after some convincing from Dende, he let's us through. After meeting Grand Elder Guru he unlocks mine and Nappa's potential giving us a big power boost. We thank both Guru and Nail and make our way back to Bulma.

Apon our arrival we see Vegeta fighting Zarbon, who is much uglier than he was before. Vegeta is about to kill Zarbon but I hear him talking.

Vegeta:"Let me put this in a way you'll understand. I'm about to blow my load all over your insides."

Zarbon:"What the-"

Vegeta:"No homo." *tears a hole through his chest with a ki blast*

I'm dying of laughter on the side lines. I stop when I see Vegeta walking up to us. He's about to say something but he's cut off by five multicolored aliens showing up.

Vegeta:"Oh great, the Ginyu Force."

Y/n:"Honestly I thought they were the space equivalent of the Power Rangers."

Bulma give me a look.

Y/n:"What I still watch Power Rangers don't judge me." *mutters* "Everything after Samurai is trash."

After a pretty funny looking routine, the Ginyu Force introduced themselves and they attack us. After a hard fought battle between the Ginyu Force, me, Nappa, and Vegeta we defeated them. Vegeta walked up to them and was about to kill them but I interrupted him.

Vegeta:"What are you doing woman. They tried to kill us!"

Y/n:"Shutup and let me handle this."

Vegeta scoffs and walks away. I turn to Ginyu and hold my hand out to for him to take with a smile. He looks at me puzzled.

Ginyu:"Why? Why are you sparring us?"

Y/n:"Because everyone deserves a second chance to be good."

Ginyu looks at me shocked. He looks at his men and they all share a silent agreement. Ginyu takes my hand and I help him up, and I do the same with his men.

Y/n:"Hey Dende can you come heal them please?" I ask sweetly.

Dende complies and heals the Ginyu Force and I offer them a chance to do some some good by helping us and coming back with us to Earth. They agree wholeheartedly. After Dende heals them.

Nappa:"Do any of you know where Frieza has the dragon balls?"

Burter:"Yeah, he has them at his ship. The only ones there should be some low level guards. Frieza himself is out and about investigating the planet."

Jeice:"We can take you to the ship."

We all agree to go the Frieza's ship together. After we clear the ship and find the dragon balls we take them outside and are met with Goku and Piccolo. After we caught Goku and Piccolo up, it turns out that they have been here a while and that Piccolo fused with Nail. After that Dende summoned Porunga and we wished for Raditz to be brought back to life and transported to Namek. Porunga granted the wishes and before we know it Raditz was next to us. It took a minute to catch him up but once he was, he and Goku shared a loving embrace. We were about to use the third wish when they suddenly turned to stone. We could feel a huge power racing towards us so we all prepared ourselves. The Ginyu Force, Vegeta, and Raditz went inside to get a change of armor. When they came out the were all wearing some of the older models that had no pauldrons with full body suits underneath.

Goku:"Looks like we're ready."

Frieza:"Ready to die."

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