//You can do this//

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(katsuki's POV)

we walked back to the dorms. I walked with dunce face, soy sauce face and Kirishima. soy sauce face and dunce face talked together while I and Kirishima walked together. it was really awkward. I don't know what to say. I breathe in and out until I remembered what deku told me.

deku: "ask him to train with you." hear it goes.

kacchan: "um Kirishima, do...do you want to train with me tomorrow?" I looked up to see his face until I saw his expression. he looked shocked.

kacchan: "w...what is there something wrong?"

Kirishima: "no...no absolutely no. I just...just never thought that you would invite me to train with you."

kacchan: "so is that a no?" he chuckles. that made my heart skip a beat.

Kirishima: "I would love to train with you bakugo." I smiled at him and he smiled back.

kacchan: "tsk, then don't be late."

Kirishima: "I won't." we arrived at the dorms. and I just saw the boys walk to the tv to play some games. I went to get me a glass of water when I saw deku. it looked like he just sat outside and looked at the view or some shit like that. I couldn't see his face. he didn't look as happy and enthusiastic as he usually was. wonder what's wrong.

I was gonna walk to him until I saw.

'tears' is he crying. why is he crying?

I was gonna go and ask him.

"Hey, de-" I stopped when I saw Icy-hot.

he took a seat next to deku. he had a cup of hot tea and handed it to deku. I saw that deku started smiling and looked at Icy-hot guy. it looked like they talked about something. I didn't hear what, but they were talking about something.

I was gonna go out until.

"hey bakugo come play with us." I looked at the direction where the noises came from and saw that it was Kirishima. I looked at him, then back at deku and Icy-hot. I sighed and nodded.

I walked up to them and sat next to Kirishima. he smiled and gave me the controller to play with. I took it and then we started playing. I was so good that I beat them all. it was hilarious to watch their faces when I crushed them in the game. we played for hours until I heard that it was time for dinner. we walked to the tables and got ready to eat. I looked around and I saw four eyes, round face and icy-hot eating but no deku. where is he? I looked outside and saw him training. wasn't he gonna it? I looked at him. he was so focused. his moves were getting better by every day that passed.

I didn't think much of it and just started eating. after a while, everyone started getting ready for bed, me as well. I was in my room after brushing my teeth. I looked outside to see deku training.

'is he still training?' I walked out of my room. and down to the entrance of the building. I opened the door and heard deku pant.

kacchan: "oi deku, what the hell are you doing? you have been training none stop since after school. is everything ok?" he looked at me in shock.

deku: "ka...kacchan are you...still up?"

kacchan: "yea, and so are you. what are you doing? you didn't eat too. you're gonna end up hurting yourself if you keep going like this." he looked down and then back at me.

deku: "I need to train harder, I need to improve on my quirk and the only way for me to do that is to train my body to actually be able to bear the impact on the punches." I sighed and took a seat at the stairs. and just looked at the sky.

after a while deku did the same. for a while, we just sat there not saying a word. just enjoying the silence.

kacchan: "I asked Kirishima to train with me." I looked at deku. he just stares down. until he looked at me and had a smile, but this wasn't as his usual smile. it was different.

deku: "that's great kacchan. I knew you had it in you."

kacchan: "thanks, nerd."

I can't believe my feelings {Bakudeku]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora