//The dare//

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(Katsuki's pov)

"so, let's get to it." Icy-hot looked at me before sitting straight.

"yea sure." I took one for the controls and got ready to beat the shit out of this guy and show deku that I'm way better than this guy.

"wait what's the prise, what does the winner take?"

"I don't know man, the winner takes everything."

"and what does that mean, does that mean you get my family and stuff or?"

"Nah man you keep them. ok, let's just say the winner gets to order the other person to do one the winner wants too. deal?"

"deal." we then looked at the TV and clicked at the settings and all.

Tape Guy: "Omg, a fight against todoroki VS bakugo I can't miss this."

raccoon eyes: "yea I bet on bakugo"

Jiro: "nah nah, todoroki got this."

they all started talking behind us on who would win. like it was a question it's me. I looked over at deku to see him whispering in Icy-hot's ear. I greeted my teeth and clicked with my tongue.the game counted down and we both got ready.

I was in the lead at the begging but soon got close to me.

it went for a while, I was not gonna lose, especially while deku is watching. I glanced over to see deku, he must be impressed by me, but what I didn't expect at all was to see the expression he had, he looked....worried.

wait, why does he look worried I was in the lead. he should be smiling or something. don't tell me he's worried about that guy.

I looked back at the game too see Half N half right behind me.

"oh shit." I started focusing on the control.

I looked up to see him right beside me. fuck, NO. I let my fucking guard down. I can't lose, I can't let him win, not now. we weren't far from the winning line, he is right behind me and I don't want him to win. we both ended up getting in together so all we had to do was see who got in first. we both looked at the TV like or lives depended on it.

"The winner is......Todoroki with 0,67 points more. congrats!!!" they all applauded for him, I slumped back on the couch.

I looked over at that jerk that got a kiss on the cheek and a hug from deku. goddamit.

 I was this close to winning.

todoroki looked over at me before smirking, I just narrowed my eyes and growled. I wish I could explode his head off.

"so bakugo, looks like I won."

"yea I saw, I ain't blind ya damn Canadian flag. just get it over with." he started thinking and he used his fucking time.

"you have to give everyone in this room a compliment and then go outside and scream, I'm the worst student ever." everyone started snickering and laughing.

"fine your lame ass."

"raccoon eyes I-I like your um-horns?" she giggled at me. and thanked me.

"bird guy, your power is not as lame as your beak." he rolled his eyes.

"dunch face, your hair is very yellow, I guess." he took out a thumb and smiled.

"tape guy, your hair isn't as bad as your straight ass lined teeth." he giggled.

"no mouth guy, you're an ok quite guy so I don't have anything on you." he thanked me for the best compliment I could ever give him,

"shy guy, I guess you aren't the worst person here just lame." he nodded shyly.

"tail guy, your tail is ok."

"floaty girl, your cheeks are very pink it's like your embarrassed every second" she smiled and thanked him.

"long ears girl, your spy quirk thing isn't as bad as it could have been," she looked at me weirdly before thanking me.

"weird France guy, your style isn't as bad or lame as your fucking quirk." he winked at me.

"four eyes chicken, your a good leader, but not as good as I just don't as bad as dunch face."

"I'm not sure if that's a compliment or an insult, but thank you bakugo."

"frog girl your quirk is way better underwater."

"Kiro, I-I, um thank you, Kiro."

"making thing girl, your quirk is good to use. I guess." she thanked him.

"perverted guy, your quirk is weird and so are you."

"Icy-hot your half N half shit quirk isn't bad, I guess, just not better than mine."

"shitty hair, your hair is very spiky." he gave me a thumbs up, before giggling.

"brainwashed dude, you look like you haven't slept for years, go take a damn nap." he laughed.

"there done, I have complimented everyone. I'm leaving." now I just need to leave before this gets any worse.

"wait you forgot one person, midoriya Kiro." Ia looked over and my eyes meet Deku's.

"Nah it's-it's fine, kacchan doesn't have anything to say to me so it's cool." dammit. he looked nervous but at the same time I could see something else.

 I sighed before walking.

I walked up and was standing right in front of him. he looked at me confused. and all I did was stare. "deku you-"

hehehhehehehehehh, to be continued. lol, u thought I would give u the pleasure hehe. Nah Nah.

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