//Can't be true...it's a Lie//

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"can you shut the fuck up, it's 5 in the morning, who knocks like a crazy guy so early in the morning."

bakugo: "me."

"yea I can see that bakugo, now can you please be bakugone. And not Bakubang. cause my head hurts from all the gaming I did." I rolled my eyes.

"I don't give a fuck if you stayed up all night, that's your problem, while my problem is still in the half N half's room. so now you tell me what you didn't finish yesterday."

"I-I don't know what you're talking about, can't remember. Must be in your head." he was ready to close the door, but my hand was in the way.

"you ain't getting away until you say what you didn't yesterday. now." I walked in.

"come on dude, not so early in the morning, I can't, my mind ain't ready, I need at least 50 min, to mentally prepare myself for the day."

"I'll give you 5,"




"urgh fine, fine 15 min, but then your talking." he sighed.

"hey don't look at me while I'm in my sone." I rolled my eyes, before turning away.

I heard noises and then felt the wind against my skin.

"oi, why did ya open the window. oi," I turned around to see him already gone.

I ran up to the window to see him climb down from the tree outside.

"oi, you damn lier." I jumped out of the window and used my quirk to not hurt anything when I landed, to see him already running away.

"you think you can run away from me, ya damn brainwasher."

I used my blasting to get near him faster.

"hell Nah, you scary as hell man, stop following me. I ain't snitching on a friend, never. leave me alone."

one more blast and I had already caught him.

him laying on the ground. me on top of him.

"you really are dumb, thinking you can outrun me."

"well at least I tried."

"Next time try harder."

I stood up and stretched my hand down to help him up.

brainwasher dude: "thanks"

"thank me by telling the truth."

"why, why do you wanna know what midoriya feels."

"it's....um I...I just want to know if I will ever have a chance with him or if he ever felt the same as I do."

"fine. I'll tell you. but not here. let's go somewhere else."

"yea we were in a better place until you had to be the flash or whatsoever."

"yea, yea, think of it as your morning run."

"tsk more like running after a mop with purple hair,"

"hehe, you're funny, so funny that I accidentally forgot to laugh," he said in sarcasm.

"can you tell me now? I'm getting impatient here."

"did you read the news, apparently there is a new villain, he can capture people by illusions."

"don't change the sub-"

"he's captured 6 people already, but they all have been saved. but the vill-"

"oi don't change the fucking subject and tell m-"


"w-w-what, he was in love with me. how, when, did he tell you that. is it true or are you lying? but when? how did I not know? are you sure he meant me? maybe you were confused. or....or. is it really true where deku in love with me? no.....no....no it gotta be a lie."

"argh, you two are so alike. it irritates me to the bones that you two haven't realized that you guys are meant for each other."

"weird hair....is what you said true? don't play with me." I held him by his shoulder.

"yes. it's true. he liked you, but at that time you where hunting love with someone else." he means Kirishima.

"how long?"

"how long what?"

"how long has he been in love with me?"

"I don't know man, I think he said middle school or was it....." I couldn't hear nor concentrate on what he said.

deku was in love with me. he liked me. and for so long. he had to endure his pain. he had to watch me be with someone else for so long. he shut his own feelings out.....for me.

I let go of the purple hair guy and sat down on his chair.

"he liked me for so long. h-how did I not notice. he had to withstand his feelings, and see me with someone else. he smiled and pretended that he was good when he was in misery. how could I be so dumb, I was standing there like an idiot and told him about my crush and how much I wanted to be with Kirishima. I asked him to help me."

"I need to speak to deku. now"

I can't believe my feelings {Bakudeku]Where stories live. Discover now