//My first kiss//

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hey guys, sorry I haven't been so active lately I accidentally lost my computer out the window and it broke obviously, it took a while to get everything settles so yea. but I'm here now and here is the next chapter I felt bad for making People worry (sorry.) so this Chapter is on 1000 Words (I know it's not a lot but it's something.) so enjoy.

(Izuku's POV)

Why did it feel so Good? what was going on. my first kiss and it's With kacchan. I can't believe this. I-i can't do this. kacchan doesn't like me it doesn't feel right. but why can't I push him away?

kacchan's hands were warm and comforting they were big. I like that.

we eventually separated and I could see kacchan was blushing. not like I have anything to say in the matter. cause I'm maybe redder than my shoes. I looked away.

kacchan was the first one to speak. 

kacchan: "s-so? how was it?"

deku: "hm...oh oh, the k-kiss?" he nodded.

deku: "it was good. yea good."

kacchan: "yea you think so, do you think I'm ready or?"

deku: "oh I'm not sure you should try again. not to forcefully but show more that you are dominant."

kacchan came closer to me and I didnt know what to do. I started slowly walking back until my back hit the wall. kacchan was right in my face. both his hands were with each side of my head. I couldnt move away. my face beat red.

one of his hand went to my chin and pushed my face up so I would face him. his eyes pierced through me. I gulped.

he slowly and seductively whispered with his hot breath.

"Like this."

I felt like melting. why was he so hot. 

"y-yea just....like that." my body started moving on its own, lucky for me kacchan backed off a little.


That took me off guard. I- I almost kissed him. wha-what is wrong with me. I tried kissing him.

"I-I have to go now."

deku: "yea, yea see you later kacchan."

I heard the door open and close and I let out a sigh I didnt know I was holding. I looked around my room and looked at the clock.

I was gonna meet sho-chan we are gonna go over to shinso.

I changed my clothes and walked out of my dorm and walked down to sho-chan's dorm room and knocked on it. after some seconds sho.chan opened the door.

deku: "are you ready to go?" he nodded and we both walked out of the building. we walked for not so long until we got to shinso's building. we walked in and saw shinso.

I and sho-chan waived at him and he smiled and waved back.

shinso: "hey guys."

sho-chan/deku: "hey/hey shinso." he signalled us to come up to his. we all three walked up and talked about many stuff. when we got up to his room we walked in and then his cat walks up to us. well, he walks first up to sho-chan and started cuddle with his leg.

it was so cute watching Kuro get so attached to sho-chan.

I took a set at shinso's chair while sho-chan took a seat on the ground while leaning on the bed. shinso was sitting on the edge of his bed. I looked around and spotted a poster of Aizawa sensei.

deku: "shinso you like Aizawa sensei or Eraserhead." he looked at the poster that I was pointing at.

and rubbed his back neck.

shinso: "well yea, I do. he is an inspiration for me. I want to be just like him."

deku: "and what about you sho-chan?" he looked up at me while patting the cat.

sho-chan: "hm. I'm not sure, I would say All Might. I admire his strength and how he always saves the persons in need."

shinso: "hey aren't endeavour your father. doesn't you look up to him." oh oh.

sho-chan: "like he will ever have my respect that sick bastard."

shinso: "oh, s-sorry man." sho-chan looked up to shinso.

sho-chan: "don't worry it's not your fault."

I started asking shinso some questions since I wanted to change the subject.

deku: "so shinso what is your parents quirk if it's ok for me to ask?"

shinso: "it's ok, well my mom is brainwashing just like me and my father is never-sleep." I took out my notebook and started writing it down.

deku: "so you got your quirk from you mom hm, that's interesting. dose your mom to have to ask for activating her quirk or?"

shinso: "no mom just need to have physical contact with someone for her quirk to work. my mom was just like me she hated her quirk sometimes cause she couldn't always control when she activated it so, and she felt guilty when we found out I had the same quirk she thought she gave me a cure, that's why she always protected me."

deku: "she sounds so kind. and the quirk you have isn't a curse it's a gift. think of all the villains you could stop with it. no, how to fight them and you could be a great hero."

shinso: "thanks midoriya that means a lot." I smiled at him before keep writing.

deku: "and what about your father?"

shinso: "well there isn't anything to say much about my father just that he doesn't sleep. and he hasn't for 26 years. but his quirk comes to good use since he works as a doctor. that also means I don't get to see him as much as I would like but when he is home we always hung out."

deku: "that's impressive and an amazing quirk, think of how many lives he could save without sleeping. but doesn't his quirk affect his rational."

shinso: "well no, it seems like it's his quirk that just like that he never gets tierd but his stamina won't last forever so he cant run marathon like all day. sometimes he is so exhausted that he can't move for couple hours but he doesn't sleep so he always takes a break at the couch and watched TV until he gets called in from the hospital."

I was writing so much and shinso's parents sound so kind and amazing.

deku: "shinso is it ok if I test out something with your quirk I want to see how it works. like do you need to get the one you are against to talk or is it other ways, is it true that if someone is under you quirk and someone else touches them they get back to normal and what can you control the other person to do."

shinso: "wow, wow midoriya calm down." argh damn it I was mumbling again.

deku: "sorry it's a habit."

shinso: "don't worry we have all day." my face lit up.

"yea let's do this. oh, we can try it on sho-chan."

shinso: "wait are you sure it's ok with todoroki?" we both turned or heads to look at sho-chan.

sho-chan: "wha-what, I came here to see the cat. not to be some experimental hamster." I went  in front of sho-chan begging him.

deku: "please, please sho-chan, I really want to note down some info about shinso's quirk and I need your help. pretty please."

todoroki: "*Sigh* fine, let's do it.but only cause you are asking." I jumped up and hugged sho-chan and dragged both of them with me.

this is gonna be great.

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